is it advisable to Create blog network for SEO or linkbuildng purpose?


Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
SEOs always looking for a good link building so i am thinking to create atlest 100 blog for different nichs, is it advisable to create it on or i should use my own domain.

and i need advise about subject of blog like, rental, properties, automobile etc,, can you guyes advice me other subjects?
diversify, use whatever means of getting new content to different sites, blogger, livejournal, twitter, utterli, facebook, wordpress and the more the merrier
You will get more "juice" from your links if they are self hosted and on different IP's. Rent a Virtual Private Server, or, if money is not an issue rent a dedicated server. This will allow you to host a large amount of domains from a centralized location. Many VPS providers will sell you additional IP's for around $1 each.

If you're low on funds however you can go the wordpress/blogger route.
SEOs always looking for a good link building so i am thinking to create atlest 100 blog for different nichs, is it advisable to create it on or i should use my own domain.

and i need advise about subject of blog like, rental, properties, automobile etc,, can you guyes advice me other subjects?

Links pointing to you (Good) from blogger/ multiply etc but the problem here is you have to outsmart google and other SE's. If you get caught, you'll be penalized for 'doorway' pages. If not properly seo'd even links coming in from your own servers might get your site in trouble.
if you do that, make sure you are on different class c networks and use different name servers
I just got 2 of my main-sites in a Google filter, because of building and backlinking from the web 2.0 blogs to fast.

Now first I remove the links and add some more relevant backlinks, write also some fresh new content and see what happens.

I think I will include CaffeteinContent into my blogs, and don't test the blog-farms in future on one of my main-sites, which makes me money :D
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Anyone know some affordable cheap hosting providing multiple c class ip's ?
If you self host the links on different IP's with a'll get alot more juice,
If your not looking to spend any money then you can use wordpress etc.