Is creating your own proxies a sure way you wont get action blocked on bots like jarvee?


May 22, 2017
Reaction score
I realize now that the problem is the proxy im using/ all proxies in general are just not worth the trial and error if one day theres a risk the subnet is just gonna get flagged.

so... is creating your own proxies the way to go, or is there still a risk associated with that?

I use amazon's web services for their free VPS windows '12 to use on Jarvee, and bought a proxy on high proxies - obviously didnt work - instantly gets like blocked and if not then it will in a matter of minutes.

so, should I learn how to make my own proxy? I know it's not free, but as long as its not that expensive i'd rather do it this way. if anyone has a how-to for mac - that would be great as well.
You’ll need residential IPs for that issue. Just look it up.
don't waste your time i did create mine and i still got blocks
don't waste your time i did create mine and i still got blocks
Really? so... how are people supposed to run these bots? I ran archie just fine (likes only), and in fact still running as I've given up on Jarvee for the time being. i know it was running on my home IP, as it's just a cloud based site.

so youre saying... private proxies, residential proxies (from what i hear), and personally created proxies will STILL get action blocks??
so youre saying... private proxies, residential proxies (from what i hear), and personally created proxies will STILL get action blocks??

when you create your own proxies you still have to get those ips from somewhere, chances are they have been used before for the same thing - if you do manage to get fresh proxies and if you set them up correctly they should work nicely though.
Hey, where you're going to get fresh IPs from?