Is BHW becoming more and more commercial?


Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not being an asshole, it's just a thought I've had. I'm not sure how to explain it but I sense more commercialism. It may just as well be me though...
You have to remember, BHW is a business, and businesses are there to make a profit. Knowing how much traffic BHW gets, I would assume the server costs alone cost more than most people make in a month.

I would admit there are a lot of banners, but BST's remain very affordable (compared to other industry forums) and Jr VIP is a bargain at $97 (which has been unchanged for about 4 years). Other than that, I wouldn't say it's particularly commercial.

Go over to DigitalPoint - they have ads EVERYWHERE, including in posts.
WarriorForum - charge $40 a bump and every single person on there is allowed to promote crap everywhere.

The list goes on... compared to other sites, I honestly don't think BHW is that bad. And that's not just me being biased.
You have to remember, BHW is a business, and businesses are there to make a profit. Knowing how much traffic BHW gets, I would assume the server costs alone cost more than most people make in a month.

I would admit there are a lot of banners, but BST's remain very affordable (compared to other industry forums) and Jr VIP is a bargain at $97 (which has been unchanged for about 4 years). Other than that, I wouldn't say it's particularly commercial.

Go over to DigitalPoint - they have ads EVERYWHERE, including in posts.
WarriorForum - charge $40 a bump and every single person on there is allowed to promote crap everywhere.

The list goes on... compared to other sites, I honestly don't think BHW is that bad. And that's not just me being biased.

Truth Truth Truth !
This is a Business Community which is bound to include a large element of commercialism

No Commercials = No Forum!
I guess I've not visited any other forums in a long long time and looking at the amount of members BHW has, it does make sense. :)
Lets imagine that BHW is your property - wouldn't you place advertisements? I would certainly!!!

cheers olystyle
I'm seeing all these ads slots from my first visit to this forum. so, nothing new today or this week. I'm clueless! why OP opened this thread today??? any new advertising slots added this week? or any registration fee?
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At least we dont have register fee.

But sometimes i think there should be something like that
I do not think the owner relies on BHW income for living, he must be doing something else, as you don't see him browsing/posting so often and I do not think he had the means of turning it into a real business making it his sole income which would look like WF. The prices are there to preserve the quality of the forum, to keep out the spammers and freebie takers and also to help pay for server costs and the team of coders/ad managers/server admins etc. But that's what I believe.
I think BHW is better than other seo related forums. There are so many useful discussion, case studies going on here which is ultimately extending our knowledge base. Behavior of senior members towards new ones is not abusive as its the case with many other forums where senior members always try to use senior factor.

From seller point of view, BHW has a good base of buyers and there are so many good seller on this forum.

I have banner blindness so i don't really see any banner on BHW so i was not aware of this until now :p
In last few days I notice so many Jr.VIP came here who doesn't have at lest 25 post. And some of them already passed their 100th post and started opening BST. But still BHW is the best forum I saw.

Viva BHW
First and foremost I don't feel BHW has changed in any major way from a commercial standpoint as far as I can tell. But I have 2 general observations. The first is that even if it's a business should the experience get degraded by overbearing advertising or any other reason (as some seem to imply as an inevitable fate..) I'd be the first to leave and NOT to pay for a VIP subscription. If you need to degrade a service to a point I find annoying you evidently don't need my money even if it's not the case with BHW. Period. Second thing is that a strictly paid model seems to be ruled out "by default" by some folks here but to me the nature of a forum like this would benefit ENORMOUSLY from such a model (not like jr vip, paid ONLY access period) quality-wise. I keep hearing complaints about noobs and stuff: I'm prepared to bet that making a pay-only community would make methods live way longer and weed out "how I can make $3/day" from the get go...
I think this forum is ran just right.

- No registration fee means you'll get a lot of new users but it could be more work for the mods. But those new users will see the quality of the forum and be more willing to get Jr. VIP if they are able to.

- The Mods and Admins do a great job filtering out the trash threads and post. Also the mods and admins are much more active than other forums. Some forums you don't know who's a mod or who just registered lol :D

- The Jr. VIP is priced well. Some people can't afford it but it's not outrageously priced like some other forums out there. And the stuff in the Jr. VIP is great, some forums don't have shit in their upgraded sections.

- The ad spots are limited which is nice. You don't see dozens of ads per page unless you count in the Jr. VIP/donor banners but I don't ;)

- The ad spots themselves are reasonably priced to give new users the chance to have an ad up on one of the biggest IM forums in the world.

- The banners on the forum plus the donor/Jr. VIP upgrades probably make the forum some cash, but I'm not sure how much exactly since this forum gets a ton of traffic. The server costs for BHW can't be cheap.

Keep up the good work guys :)
I also feel everything is as it should be. I don't mind the ads because those help to keep the site running. I accept that, besides there are many great services sold via these banners ;)
Yep, its full of crap services IMO... cheap crap SEO services that's promises the world and delivers nothing.

There I said it.

Everyone and his dog is selling SEO this and SEO that... but most of it is the same shit and many of the providers just outsource it and don't know shit about the service they are offering. This is not to say that there aren't providers that are providing real value, but it just seems like there is a lot of people selling crap IMHO. You have to be VERY careful with whom you order from these days.
Yep, its full of crap services IMO... cheap crap SEO services that's promises the world and delivers nothing.

There I said it.

Everyone and his dog is selling SEO this and SEO that... but most of it is the same shit and many of the providers just outsource it and don't know shit about the service they are offering. This is not to say that there aren't providers that are providing real value, but it just seems like there is a lot of people selling crap IMHO. You have to be VERY careful with whom you order from these days.

I don't browse the BST section very often since I do my own backlinking.

Whenever I do need to find a service I use the search box :D

Everyone should do their due diligence prior to buying.

Granted though, it is a bit tougher when purchasing backlinks through a BST :(
It is definitely moving towards being more commercial and there is nothing wrong with it unless it is upto a point. One worrying thing is the high influx of new users with similar posts ( read - takes too long to go through posts , some very high value scams and every Tom, Dick and Harry coming out with the same Web 2.0 posting shit service. But its a business and it will be what the owner wants it to be!!