Is a good way to make money on YT to post on your own Music Videos?


Junior Member
Jan 1, 2013
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If you are a musician making and promoting your own music videos anyway, is this a good way to use ads to make money off of your own videos? I know that it's mostly depending on how popular you can make your videos and promotion, but will one hand wash the other?
It's worth a try, but I think YouTube would catch on to you sooner or later. Google does have a TON of unlicensed content on their servers. They've never really made a large scale effort to crack down on it.

However, before you do this, you'll need to get your account approved for monetization. You may want to upload some original content first, and then wait until you get approved.
i am definitely gonna give it a shot then. i just have to learn more about how to do it first. thanks for the help.