Twins2222 I am also looking for bulk buy in the 5xx region. Sorry to affgold for using your thread hope you dont mind.
how much for 2 so I can see how long it takes to arrive here in Miami Beach and then we will do 100 next order
Twins2222 I am also looking for bulk buy in the 5xx region. Sorry to affgold for using your thread hope you dont mind.
I would like to purchase 100 3gb 200 8gb 200 16gb
Please list prices for the packages i wish to buy.
I would like to pay with paypal if that is no problem? I would also like to have a contract saying that the iphones are in pristine and working condition.
Also would like to have either a 3gb or 8gb to test out condition and time (will pay)
of course i'll put it all over my affiliate program and tell every1 your the man but 600 is way 2 high i'm talking about 1k-5k phones in the next 30 days