Instagram + CPI Journey to $1000/day

UPDATE - 23 January 2016

Sorry for late update. I was busy with some seo stuff so couldn't update.

So it was getting tough doing everything manually so I invested in followliker and proxies and vps. I started new accounts and earned money right off the bat.


Main Acc

Followers: 1997 (271+)
Following: 3437 (1419-)


1. Followliker - $97 one time
2. Proxies - $10 for 10 proxies
3. Acc - Non PVA 15 acc for $2
4. VPS - $36/month

EARNING: $8.25

I just bought FL so still tweaking it for best result. Its not bad earning for first few days and few accounts. I'm still getting hang of it. So it seems quite doable target if ig does not come up with something that kills FL.

Thanks for following

Have a good day.
Best of luck with your journey mate.

Can I ask, how did you add the link to the bio in your account(s)? Did you do it manually or use FL?

Many people say that adding a link straight away on fresh accounts is asking for a ban but this doesn't seem to be the case here?
Good luck on your IG journey! IG seems to be the promising way of monetizing. Will definitely follow it. Would also like to follow on IG to watch the process "online" and in details) Could you please post a link or smth? Thanks in advance!
Your earlier thread of PPD was one of the game changer for me Darkstar. Learned a lot from it and earned too which was a tuff thing with Adsense.

I'm sure that you'll be achieving your goal. Subd to learn more from you buddy :)
Best of luck with your journey mate.

Can I ask, how did you add the link to the bio in your account(s)? Did you do it manually or use FL?

Many people say that adding a link straight away on fresh accounts is asking for a ban but this doesn't seem to be the case here?

Thanks bro.

1. Manually using proxies.
2. Well my accounts are 2+ months old so its not fresh. Obviously adding link to fresh acc is asking for ban.

may i know the reason for buying non PVA ? Isnt instagram stricter when dealing with non PVA ?

I wanted to get my feet wet in IG so started with non pva. Since it worked out well, I'm continuing. So far I only got one ban and that to acc which i made manually.

Please let us know your vps specs and how many accounts you're able to run before it crashes


Currently running 16 accounts.

Good luck on your IG journey! IG seems to be the promising way of monetizing. Will definitely follow it. Would also like to follow on IG to watch the process "online" and in details) Could you please post a link or smth? Thanks in advance!

Oh man, thanks but I'm sorry. I don't have something which I can share publicly. Since many people are salty enough to report things even if they are to learn from it.

How much normally ppi sites pay you for one install?

US install pays $0.25-$0.60.

Hello buddy, first of, best of luck to you!
Are you using blackhat niches?
Well thanks and yes kinda greyhat.
UPDATE - 29 January 2016

How's everyone doing? I got some nice stats past week.





Bought 50 non pva for $7.5


TOTAL : $93.05

So been trying different methods like commenting, following, uploading photos and looks like follow/unfollow is best method for me atm. It sure takes time to yield $$ but its worth it and its safe. I'm gonna scale it up with 50 new accounts I bought.

Tune in next week for update.

Have a great week.
Good luck to you , May i have some question:
I 'm using FL and have 15 acc 1k~2k flowers/acc a bout dog/cat/car/food
- Can you suggest how to make a post wich lead to CPI (what i can write in Bio and what in post )?
- Did you make a landing page ?
- W
here did you buy non pva acc ?

Darkstar which tool of OGmobi you use? Smart link, content locking, old mobile locker or the reward wall?
You send them from bio to landing page then ogmobi link?
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Nice stats darkstar... by the way do you use fake giveaways to attract your followers... could you provide a sample of your account...thanks
If is not a secret who is the proxy provider? $1 per Instagram proxy is cheap :)
How many accounts per proxy?

btw you are quite lucky that you didn't get any phone verification on non PVA accounts. IG are kinda messy with that
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Hello Darkstar ! It's nice to see these earnings dude and it's only the beginning of this journey. Keep up the good work :)
Which proxy provider do you use ?
Excuse me if I'm wrong, all of your accounts are NON PVA ?
How many accounts per proxy ?
