Increase your income immediately


Registered Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Create your offer page like you normally do.. Instead of putting an entire form on the page, just put an email box. Put the rest of the customer form on step 2(next page)..

When you grab that email address, make your site do the following:
1. log it to an sql database or text file, for yourself.. WITH the ip of the person.

Then have it post into as many free email programs as you can get away with.

I have personally submitted the email to 3 programs at once.. ranging from $1-$3 per email per program. Of course they have to optin when they receive their confirmation emails, but usually about 50% of the people do it at a min.

I'm not sure about a lot of non-adult free email programs, but I have posted into WEGcash, CEmags and another one I cannot remember..

I'll try to dig up a copy of my script, but its a very simple script to write in php.

Hope this helps!
Nice idear, I got a way to possibly implement this...are those companies mentioned pretty reliable in terms of payments?

WEGcash, CEmags
Nice idear, I got a way to possibly implement this...are those companies mentioned pretty reliable in terms of payments?

WEGcash, CEmags

Wegcash has payed me once a week on time for quite a while now..
i'm really interested in hearing more details on this. do you just use a crapload of proxies to randomize the IP's? do the networks care if you do this?
I did it legally.. no proxies, sent real traffic to a real page that posted the persons info across multiple domains. :)
How can you do a _post method across multiple domains using php? In order to use that persons email and ip, you would need a form set up, as well as the affiliate capture to accept the $_POST request in every instance.