Incentreward, Incentaclick, xy7.. SCAM?


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everyone. I'm trying to promote some incents allowed offers.

Anyone has experience with these 3 companies? I've heard good things about them.. but i've also heard they are shady and scammy?

Any stories will be appreciated. Thanks! :)
ive never had a problem with either xy7 or incentreward, but ive never tried incentaclick.
havent read any bad reviews for those companies
Not good topic title :( i havenever had a problem with all these 3 companies
I've never personally dealt with Incentreward or Incentaclick, but XY7 is solid and reliable.
I only started with IncentReward last week so nothing to say yet. I did however get an email saying delayed payments from one of my aff networks. Will have to check which one, not a good sign considering i hadnt even started promoting them yet!
I was paid by Incentreward 4 times, the first payment was in check even if I chose Paypal prior to my first payment. The AM (Matt Stowe) told me that it was to confirm my address and after that the next payment will be through my chosen payment method. Don't worry about Incentreward, they will really pay you.
incentaclick are fine to. ive been paid thousands by them. and they pay every 2 weeks
incentaclick Incentaclick, xy7 are good company.
ads4tough is scam
im in xy7 but i stopped using them. maybe im just a noob but sometimes leads wont show up with them even after verifying with the lead that they did complete the form.

but ill take your guy's respected opinions now and give them another try...
My earning for last month of incentreward is in pending.
I hope incentreward will pay me on 25th :D
I 've never tried xy7 or incentaclick.
Any other good incents allowed networks? (besides neverblue and maxbounty)

How do Incentreward and incentclick pay?
I'm with all 3 of those companies and they all have paid pretty much on time and xy7 even paid me paypal when i called them.
I need a account of the affiliate companies.
Can anyone sell one to me?
my email:
xy7 has a few incentive offers

im in with them but i havent started it yet