While you are waiting for your first client...
There are a couple of things you can (should) do...
1. Build a small website about some dumb topic ("care of your pet ferret", whatever) - then practice what you are planning to do to your clients. This way you have something to show
and you can practice/learn on something other than your client's sites.
Tell your client that you keep your clients information strictly confidential and have them sign an NDA (like you do with all your clients). Show him a diagram of what a link wheel looks like (like a mind map). You can probably do a google search and find some link wheel examples.
- you should do this anyway (even once you have clients) - don't show your real clients to potential clients, you don't know who they are. Show them your sample (see above) and some generic diagrams.
3. Try offering yourself as an outsourcer for specific things first, before trying for the "whole package" -> post on forums: "I will build linkwheels", -or- "I will write/submit articles" -or- "I will do social bookmarking" -or- whatever is popular these days
Get smaller jobs for specific things and get some paid practice with each area first. Then you can consider a bigger package.
4. Pricing - Packaged SEO pricing is very high - you should be able to price high
once you know what you are doing - look for samples on the internet and price the same as everyone else. Put up a website with your prices published, then offer a 10% discount to whoever you are talking to "because you really like them / are interested in what they are doing / like their website / whatever" ... If you are outsourcing, make sure you have a reliable group of outsourcers in place first and that your costs are actually less than what you are charging
...until you
actually know what you are doing, find ways to practice on a smaller scale or you are likely to get a lot of angry customers when they realize that you didn't know what you were doing and totally screwed up their site.