Imbecile drivers that hit cars in parkings


Regular Member
May 24, 2009
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How many of you had your car hitted by a fucking shitty driver in a parking when you were not in your car?

It happened to me 3 times in less than 1 week. I would kill all those stupid crappy drivers that are unable to park their car properly.

Most of the time, i'm trying to park my car alone and far in the parking or between or along luxury car but sometimes, there's only 1 empty parking and i need to take it because there's no other choice but it made me got 3 bumps in the last week.

Do you have some special tricks to avoid that?

What i will fucking need to do to dont have these stupid drivers hitting my car??

If i could put weapons on it to destroy their car if they hit, i would do it but it's impossible.

What to do to dont have that fucking situation happening?

I'm tired to pay for imbecile people that dont know how to drive.........
That's happened to me. Someone completely side-swiped my SUV in the grocery store parking lot.

Fortunately for me, they had cameras.
Sorry to hear that bro. I think the only way to prevent this from happening to you is to bring someone and ask them to sit in the car and wait for you while you go shopping or whatever.

They can bring a book, laptop, or whatever to keep themselves entertained.

I know it sounds hokey but people tend to be a lot more careful around your car while someone is in it than if it is empty. Seriously!
Happens to me at my college all the time. Our campus is huge and has tons of students, thus the parking spots are extremely packed. I've had my car get scratched up and bent many times.

I think I'm gonna just camp out in my car one day and catch one of the assholes who hits my car haha.
I know it sounds hokey but people tend to be a lot more careful around your car while someone is in it than if it is empty. Seriously!

I would say yes but again, few minutes ago, i was sitted in my car, talking to the insurances and an old dirty bitch that just parked her car along mine came back, opened her door and hited my mirror without feeling sorry at all.

She just looked at me without reaction, sited in her car and left the parking.

For sure, i will not going to jail because i punched some stupid guy like that in the face but the temptation is big. Doing like james bond and installing rockets under the car, spraying cayen paper with sophisticated sensor system :D

It's really frustrating...
This is the reason why I always park in the back where the empty spaces are.
This is the reason why I always park in the back where the empty spaces are.

I always try to do it also but sometimes, we dont have choice to park between other ones.. When there's only 1 parking left, what we can do..
have you tried to park like this?

This is the reason why I always park in the back where the empty spaces are.

I do the same thing. I tell myself it also keeps me fit from the extra walking distance :p. I too got tired of inconsiderate people.