Regular Member
- May 24, 2009
- 276
- 54
How many of you had your car hitted by a fucking shitty driver in a parking when you were not in your car?
It happened to me 3 times in less than 1 week. I would kill all those stupid crappy drivers that are unable to park their car properly.
Most of the time, i'm trying to park my car alone and far in the parking or between or along luxury car but sometimes, there's only 1 empty parking and i need to take it because there's no other choice but it made me got 3 bumps in the last week.
Do you have some special tricks to avoid that?
What i will fucking need to do to dont have these stupid drivers hitting my car??
If i could put weapons on it to destroy their car if they hit, i would do it but it's impossible.
What to do to dont have that fucking situation happening?
I'm tired to pay for imbecile people that dont know how to drive.........
How many of you had your car hitted by a fucking shitty driver in a parking when you were not in your car?
It happened to me 3 times in less than 1 week. I would kill all those stupid crappy drivers that are unable to park their car properly.
Most of the time, i'm trying to park my car alone and far in the parking or between or along luxury car but sometimes, there's only 1 empty parking and i need to take it because there's no other choice but it made me got 3 bumps in the last week.
Do you have some special tricks to avoid that?
What i will fucking need to do to dont have these stupid drivers hitting my car??
If i could put weapons on it to destroy their car if they hit, i would do it but it's impossible.
What to do to dont have that fucking situation happening?
I'm tired to pay for imbecile people that dont know how to drive.........