Image overlay for CPA?

Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
Lets say I have a CPA ad that is a signup for a seminar, the basic info for filling it out would be your name, phone number, address, just standard stuff. Would there be any way that I could host it on one of my websites, but lay some sort of image over it so it doesnt look like it is for a seminar? But rather a job app or something along those lines? And would it also be possible to cloak the referrer if I did that? Thanks in advance for your replies.
Hi, yes, it's totally possible.

You have to embed the offer in an IFrame and then use Divs to hide parts of the offer.

This obviously violates the TOS though, what do you think the chances are of getting caught? Any precautions I can take?
Hi, yes, it does violate the TOS. Re getting caught, the biggest issue is people complaining to the CPA company. I have a website where I did this more of a proof of concept and it worked quite well (>250% ROI).

If you want to do it, make sure that you choose CPA offers *without* javascript popups such as 'Are you sure you want to leave' etc when a person exists a page as this is a dead-giveaway that something is not right.

Also, add in banners to the actual CPA offer on the pages where you have embedded your iframe.

So I have it all laid out and everything, and I plan to have it on a blank landing page within my website. The will be getting to it via email. Should I still put a banner up? And should I hide the referrer?
Hi, think about it from an AM point of view. If they see a referer and follow it they will come back to your page with an embedded Iframe offering their CPA form with bits blanked out which actually fools people into signing up.

If I were an AM I would not be overly happy with that so it would be a good idea to blank referers in this instance.

As far as banners go, I am normally a huge advocate for putting banners *everywhere* for the merchant that you are pushing to keep the CTR rate reasonable. However, keep in mind that some banners actually have a tracking pixel which can show an AM the actual page where the banner is being displayed, you would not want that in this instance for obvious reasons. An idea may be to add the banner onto a different page inside your website and put the sign-up form on that page as well and then drive traffic to the page.

This way the AM would see banner impressions, you may get the odd sign-up as well with a legit referer and it would all look good from the AM's point of view.

With stuff like this your biggest problem will be people complaining to your AM and sending them the link direct to your 'trojan cpa page'. If that happens you are basically fu(k3d.

Yes and definitely yes.

If you don't hide the referrer your CPA company will boot you an instant.
So could you help me with blanking the referrer? I dont even know where to start...I will begin right now by creating a whitehat landing page, and the blackhat CPA signup page is already done. Can you guys try to help me out with the next few steps? I can post my code for the blackhat page if you would like. Thanks again guys.