I'm thinking of hiring somebody to collect website for me to contact for linkbuilding


Regular Member
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
I'm building link for this website that's looking to link up with all the local businesses/mom and pops style, restaurant, shop, tourist etc. I will be calling them all for backlink in return for free advertising. But I need to find people to find these websites for me in mass number for each city.

I just wanted to know if anybody knows of a tool that can help me with this, it needs to be able to find all the PR1 and up websites that are local to each city. Or is there a directory I can go through to grab these sites? So that I can just do it myself without having to hire anybody.
Ok, just do a search on the member downloads section for "IBP" Internet Business Promoter.

I was once working as an employee for an internet firm, and I had great success finding potential clients and related websites to trade links with using that software.
I think it even extracts the email adress of all the websites.
You can either search by keywords or by the sites that link to your competitors by using your competitors URL, or just search for "link:competitorswebsite.com" as the keywords.

Now the last step involves clickling on the thanks button here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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thanks I'll try out the software tomorrow. Just downloaded it.
Nope...this software is not what I'm looking for.

I looking for a tool that can search PR1 and up from different city I'm targeting. I don't need link exchange stuff...need legit linkback from good website in each major city. Mom and Pops restaurant, shops, cafe, real estate company, any local business in the major cities. I need a website or directory that has massive number of these by city that I can contact by phone to offer link.
I don't know of a tool like that but I would recommend getting links from theme related sites no matter what the city. If you can get a good quantity of high quality links with the right anchor text along with those keywords on your page and title tag you will get ranked - no secret to it but to do it!