I'm confused.. should I be applying to Clickbank affiliates?


Senior Member
Dec 14, 2013
Reaction score
I've been using Clickbank for a year or so now and am starting to put some work into it and in the last month or two made maybe $400 (although I wish I was making more). However, I've never applied to an affiliate program.. I just go in and search for offers and then click promote and use the URL... but the other day I received an email from Clickbank about some new product and a link to apply to the affiliate program.. and now a minute ago I was on Clickbank looking for new products to promote and I found one and I noticed in the description a link to apply.

Is it possible I'm promoting a bunch of products I'm not an affiliate for? And are all products like that? Or do I need to sign up as an affiliate? I'm just confused lol
well, i haven't logged into my CB account since ages, but i'm pretty sure, you must be an affiliate of theirs already, otherwise you wouldn't be able to promote any of their products/offers, they use affiliate links to track each of their affiliates sales, without using these user specific links, you can't really promote anything, let alone get paid
well, i haven't logged into my CB account since ages, but i'm pretty sure, you must be an affiliate of theirs already, otherwise you wouldn't be able to promote any of their products/offers, they use affiliate links to track each of their affiliates sales, without using these user specific links, you can't really promote anything, let alone get paid

I am a member of Clickbank, but I just don't know if I am supposed to sign up with certain affiliates within Clickbank. Or do I have to do that or is it only for tracking sales?
I haven't seen any vendor requires you to apply before start to promote, an example please....
To me Click Bank is one of the easiest affiliate programs to promote because all you have to do is sign up and start promoting products and you will receive checks in the mail, i've dealt with them for a very long time and that's the way they have always been they haven't changed since they started.
Once you log into Clickbank and go to the marketplace and find a product, hit promote and the link they give you will get you paid.

that is basically your "signing up"

Good luck!
Yes, you have to be pre-approved to promote certain products. Long Tail Pro is one example.