I'll Share One of My Secrets Today...Inflate Traffic Stats (for just about anything)...


Power Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Usually I'm hesitant to share any real secrets. But of course after a few drinks I'll share something with you guys. Really it's because I felt guilty that everyone else was sharing good shit and I was just replying to everything (of course with decent and honest answers). I share information, but things like this that are this simple I try to keep "low profile". Even if other people know this, I'll share it anyway.

I run Ebay auctions, have MySpace pages and have pages on multiple other sites where they keep track of hits to your page. I'm only revealing these two since they are two big one's and of course big money makers for everyone. I'm not greedy, but on a 7-10 day Ebay auction for a lame product I get a minimum of 10,000 views and of course on MySpace in the same amount of time I get the same amount of views (better than a lot of rappers and other famous musicians get after months). Basically you can expect about 1000 views a week per site (maybe more) doing this for 8 or so hours a day (of course on auto-pilot while you do everything else you want to do). If you do this 24-7 you can get better results, but I work and keep my computer off most of the day and turn it off when I go to bed. These are easy results working off better proxy lists and maybe running multiple instances can increase the numbers, but I don't care, I'm not greedy I get what I can take without being banned and if you get too greedy who knows how many times you might be banned?

I have never used this to cheat affiliates or CPM advertisers (althought this could probably be used for it, but this is my disclaimer since I don't approve of it). I use black hat techniques, but I don't abuse the people paying me (it's an automatic ban). I do this just to get artificial page views on third party sites so people think whatever I'm offering is the greatest and hopefully they buy. Alright I'll admit it I throw up stats for my own sites and inflate them of course these are sites without ads on them and the only people I'm being an asshole to is the real viewers.

Anyway you have bullshit like IFaker. It works and I've used it. The funny thing is there is something that I can post here legitimately that works just as good as that super expensive lame program and of course I'll teach you how to use this or IFaker it's up to you what you use. Personally I prefer to use the legit shit with resell rights, but it's up to you.

Part 1: Anyway you can download it here http://rapidshare.com/files/73472022/HitSpanker.rar . That's the name I put to the file but really it's an Alexa Rank Cheater and Article Site Builder is thrown in as a download bonus in case you want it.. I don't know if it works with Alexa or not I've tested it out and can't tell. I visit my own sites with the Alexa toolbar installed and I get in the top 100,000 every time in a few months. The only thing I can say is fuck Alexa I want hits everywhere else.

The Alexa Rank Cheater can basically do everything IFaker does, but of course it's legit, you don't need a crack and to me it's easier to use, has all of the benefits and it's legit since it's sold with resell rights.

I mentioned in a previous post AccessDiver http://www.accessdiver.com/ (free download) to collect and check proxies. This is basically part two of the tutorial and this is a four part tutorial. Download AccessDiver now or pick another proxy checking program or stop reading.

Part 2: Double click AccessDiver click on MySkill on the top left hand corner and click on Expert. Click on Proxy. Go to WEB Proxy Leecher. Go to google type proxy forum, anonymous proxies, whatever, just know if you click on proxy forum you probably have to register. You can get some real good proxies from forums though and joining and of course sharing proxy lists. Anyway you're in the WEB Proxy Leecher add links to your favorite forums and sites that have tons of proxies on them and add the links to the pages with all of these proxies and click the Start Leeching button. (I'm not giving you my links because I have some really good links that last forever and of course I paid my dues on other sites). By the way where it says Max Amount of Proxies to Extract put 99,999. Click on Add These Proxies In...then click on Add These Proxies into the Proxy Analyzer. Personally I don't care about anonymity too much so I go for the fast way and try to get as many working proxies as I can get. First thing I do is right click in the middle of all the proxies in the Proxy Analyzer and click Select All. Then click Remove Duplicates from your List Standard Method (port taken into consideration). After that erases a good chunk of proxies click Speed/Accuracy Tester. I don't care about anonymity or anything else, I'm looking for hits so that's all I test for. Right click on the left over proxies and click Add Selected Proxies to the Clipboard (copy).

Part 3: Create a new .txt document. The easiest place is on the Desktop. It doesn't matter where you create this file, I usually slap it on the Desktop and call it with the lamest unoriginal name in the world New Text Document.txt or even call it an original name at times like proxies or testedproxies .txt. The key is to save this file as a .txt file somewhere that you can find it.

Part 4: Back to the Alexa Rank Cheater from earlier. You might think "Wow that's a cheesy program!" I think of it as a cheaper version of IFaker and you don't even have to fight the copyright monsters about it. IFaker sucks, it works sometimes it doesn't work other times. The Alexa Rank Cheater always works. It works for a million sites. Double click Rank Enhancer or whatever the Rank Cheater program installs itself as. Under URL to Send to: start throwing in your URLs (whether it's to your sites, auction sites, social networking sites or whatever it is) click Add after each. Click Next Step. Where it says Threads put it to 15 unless you are on dial up. Then Add List there you link to the .txt proxy list you made earlier (remember you can use this list until you see it's no longer effective you don't have to change lists everyday). Highlight (click on the list that's on your computer that you know is a good list) your list. Then click Next Step. Then click Start.

Part 5: The secret step. Check your stats everywhere. You'll notice they all went up. Now continue this for days, months, years, centuries, and you'll see real results. My suggestion is change your proxies and sites you pull them from every once in a while. If you see to many proxies fail it means it's time to make a new list. I've had lists last months, I've had lists last days. I suggest joining the free sites that don't force you to share good proxies at first, leech them, check them and then share them at sites that force shares to get rep. That way you have access to sites with great lists all the time. Also instead of doing all mentioned above you can create your own proxy files from other sites or just copy and paste proxies into AccessDiver. It's that powerful of a program.

I average about 1000 page views per day extra on everything per site. If it helps you, I did a good job spending a lot of time writing this post.
a good read thanks, i may try this in the future combined with something else and perhaps make a killer.
This isn't the end all kill all. I use this as a basic method for some things and use this as a bee stinging in the back of other methods. Really to me this is just a number booster method I only use this on limited pages.
It sounds like a good idea and I've used ifaker in the past.

Is anyone else having troubles downloading this http://rapidshare.com/files/73472022/HitSpanker.rar off rapidshare?
Nope, I've downloaded it an it is running.
Still not sure how to use it to help make money though.
Just wanted to update and confirm that it is working. I used it on a site that has a 'top referrer' type section and was able to see my page rise onto the homepage pretty quickly.
I am a noob.........

Can someone summarize this post because i do not understand it...??