I'll pay someone to help me get my account unsuspended..


Junior Member
Jul 28, 2010
Reaction score
Google gave me a good ol slap last Friday.. I've been trying to get my ads back up ever since. They now tell me I'm permanently suspended.

It's in the tech support industry. Message me if you think you can help. Thanks
Hi, i am not sure if google will remove suspended status from permanent, as once it is permanent suspended, the account is just closed.

What my suggestion is, may be you can contact me on skype at devtheworld, and then may be i can arrange you an company adwords accounts usually which are called agency accounts, and then you could advertise the ads as normal. When there is any billing problem, i can able to help solving the billing issues.
get a cloaker
i know some one selling it for 200$ monthly
i can help u set up it
So sad your account has been banned but it's not possible i think.
google doesn't just removes permanently bans, there might be a slight chance tho
I can fix your issue. How much are you paying. PM me dollar amount
IF Google has updated permanent suspended status then it is closed forever