If you’re not networking, you’re not-working


Banned - Multiple Rules Violations
Aug 31, 2010
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Just went through this awesome piece related to networking by Paul Jey on facebook and how affiliates miss out on a lot of stuff when at different conferences around the globe

Here is what he has found to be working for him at past shows

1) Build Relationships with Speakers & Experts - If you see a speaker you like go see them after their talk and build a relationship. The learning experience does not need to feel like watching YouTube videos. I have built relationships with speakers after their talks and gained really powerful long standing friendships from it. You can't really go wrong having more experts in your personal network.

2) Having an Honest Conversation About What Your Business Needs Now and in 2020 - Figure out what you need for Q4 2019 and for 2020 before stepping foot on a plane. I think the people who get the least from these shows “wing it” without taking the time to think about what their business actually needs and how they can find it at the show. Literally write down the 3 biggest things you are struggling with and 3 things you need to grow your business in 2020. Hunt down the answers and contacts you need in order to mark these off the list.

3) Bring People Together - This is the rare opportunity you get face time with 20 people from dozens of countries in the same room to mastermind. Whatever vertical you are running try and organize a small meetup or drinks and invite likeminded people to join. The last couple shows I have hosted private meet ups for close friends and super affiliates and its been amazing every time.

4) Lastly you need to party, seriously! lol. It sounds counterintuitive but it’s actually great for your business. You’d be surprised how generous other affiliates are with advice when they are 8 Moscow Mules deep. I have both shared and received epic campaign tips while drinking beers with other affiliates riding a Tuk Tuk's 90km/hr through a Bangkok intersection.

Some solid tips from Paul Jey!