If you know how to increase site speed, contact me


Regular Member
May 21, 2011
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If you know how to increase site loading speed, contact me
First way to dominate speed is a good cdn network... I use MaxCDN very reliable and fast worldwide... If you are using Wordpress hookup W3 Total Cache and integrate that with your cdn and there ya go... I have a 2mb home page that loads in 1.5 seconds hosted with GoDaddy ;)
I send you a PM, because I think that I have quite big experience in this topic.
OP, put your site in here and screen shot the results. http://gtmetrix.com/

I'll tell you what to do to increase your speed.
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First way to dominate speed is a good cdn network... I use MaxCDN very reliable and fast worldwide... If you are using Wordpress hookup W3 Total Cache and integrate that with your cdn and there ya go... I have a 2mb home page that loads in 1.5 seconds hosted with GoDaddy ;)

Add a digital ocean droplet to this and you're set.

No need to pay anyone OP
Change your hosting to ssd, compress your images, w3 total cache plugin. Thats it.
You may check your hosting company and connect your hosting with some CDN - also look where your customers are coming from, if for instant Europe, you need a European host if the USA you need to get hosted there. Makes much more sense and you will see some increase in your site speed!