*** If You Could Text/SMS 50,000 Random Cell Phone Numbers How Much MONEY Could You Make?


Junior Member
Oct 5, 2012
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The title says it all. Regardless if you send clickbank offers, sale offers, CPC, CPA whatever. If you could text 50,000 random verified cell phone numbers how much money could you make?
Not as much as if I had a targeted mailing / opt in phone list. I would rather take repeat TARGETED customers than randoms any day.
half of america is fat so half of america should be interested in weight loss pills lol
I normally make $250-$800 per 100,000 non-targeted sms I send out.
Actually a lot. But with some work. Here's how:

1. Select 10 mutually exclusive niches/offers - all 10 should be completely different from each other
2. Send each offer to 5k numbers
3. Double the list size for the 5 most converting offers
4. Send texts again.
5. Now send top 2 offers to 25k each.
6. Send the top offer to 50k.
Actually a lot. But with some work. Here's how:

1. Select 10 mutually exclusive niches/offers - all 10 should be completely different from each other
2. Send each offer to 5k numbers
3. Double the list size for the 5 most converting offers
4. Send texts again.
5. Now send top 2 offers to 25k each.
6. Send the top offer to 50k.

Some great suggestion. (y)
I think ( as someone has already said ) weight loss is a great niche and your best bet.
So far I'm making around 125 a day but Idk if I'm doing it right, what's the best market etc
Can you tell me how are you doing this? o know nothing about sms sending :P