If you could give someone a good swift kick......


Registered Member
May 16, 2009
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in the nuts (or taco), as hard as you could, who would it be??

For me, it would be whoever the DA was that made xylaphones popular recently, especially in commercials. It was like they were thinking hard of something annoying to throw in the commercial thats just a little less annoying than a car horn blowing, but alot more annoying than a door bell ringing. Then it came to them....a fukn xylaphone.
Play that mother like no other 3rd grader can in the commercials....

Lets hear your vote.
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That guy in the Making Money subforum that wasted everyones time tonight with his "BHW Destroyed My Career Help me!! - comfort me like a fuckin baby" thread.

If anyone deserves it - he does.
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probably ryan seacrest. that fool has a mudbutt, forsure.
People who don't say thanks, or even acknowledge you, when you go out of your way to keep the door open for someone.

I wanna do more then kick them, I wanna grab there head and smash it against the door I kept open for them. :)
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Chuck Norris :-)

Btw, you didn't even say anything out loud, and Chuck Norris heard you, because he's Chuck Norris... uh oh.

People who don't say thanks, or even acknowledge you, when you go out of your way to keep the door open for someone.

being sensible yep - me too. not being so sensible then i agree that chuck norris would be a good bet if only you could get away with it :p as for stephen hawking.... harsh... harsh!
Got few people who scammed me lol I could take liberty with them... :)
^^^ I lol'd. Funny thread. Nobody is feeling me on mark zuckerberg? Really?...
I'd like to kick the guy who started the idea for the Google MayDay update.