Ideas of free video storage platforms (that pays/views)?


Junior Member
Dec 4, 2019
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Are there any sites out there that allows you to host your videos for free and pay per view like GOUNLIMITED(DOT)TO? Unfortunately, Gounlimited has a 30 days waiver before it deletes idle videos with no views.
Your question, is kinda strange. Why? Because on how you asked, it means that you have traffic and you want to get paid for views. Then, you say that gounlimited deletes the videos after 30 days, videos with no views. Since you have the traffic, your videos won't be deleted. Am I missing something? Self-promotion?
. Am I missing something? Self-promotion?

I don't think I'm promoting something since I haven't posted any links to my websites. The idea here is that Gounlimited is a good choice; however, idle videos with no views are deleted after 30 days. As you know the nature with tube sites, especially when you're getting started, some videos might not have views for days and having them deleted and missing on your website will affect your SEO. I hop that is clear now on why I need alternatives that don't delete idle videos within such a short time span.
Host the videos on Google. You will be way more profitable.
Well, is not so easy. If you upload them to Google Drive and just embed them, you will have them deleted once Google finds out, if someone reports it. You need to find the exact location of the video. It's a complex thing, and you have to automate everything. Unfortunately I cannot share how it works.
Unfortunately I cannot share how it works.

I have found a way that even transforms the Google drive link so that it does not appear on your source code making it difficult for anyone to report. Can you give me an idea of where to download or get great adult videos with less chances of getting copyright issues? or what do you look for before downloading and sharing a video to your site from main tube sites?
Daily Motion does have such a service and also allows you embed videos in your site. I heard someone mention this site vidspace (io) recently
Know nothing about them but can always look into it
You can code your own bot or bash script what ever else to browse you own videos once a month to remain them active.
I am currently using, and I previously used verystream before it went down. My advice is to make sure your videos are backed up on another storage service.