I want you all to suggest a host allowing intensive scripts usage..


Junior Member
Jul 18, 2008
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hey guys,
plz help me find a webhost which does not have much restriction on running memory intensive scripts on their shared hosting plans.
because hostgator stops running scripts which consume large memory,thus i have to change hosting
I have found three options powweb,bluehost and dreamhost.Which will be better?
also suggest your own hosting reviews to consider.
Honestly, none of those options will be better than HG, IMO.

The bottom line is that good shared hosts restrict how much memory and CPU your scripts can take. Crappy ones don't, and as a result your site will constantly be down because someone else's script will be hogging the resources.

Find a way to reduce the overhead, or step up to either VPS or dedicated hosting.

If you can share a little more about what kind of scripts you are running, I might be able to offer some insight into how to reduce your overhead.
hey guys,
plz help me find a webhost which does not have much restriction on running memory intensive scripts on their shared hosting plans.
because hostgator stops running scripts which consume large memory,thus i have to change hosting
I have found three options powweb,bluehost and dreamhost.Which will be better?
also suggest your own hosting reviews to consider.

In terms of shared hosting, HostGa*tor is the absolute best I have encountered. Its a full-featured account to say the least... Watch out too... I think Powweb, bluehost and dreamhost are all owned by the same company... alot of these shared hosting companies will spawn 3 or 4 companies off of one building of servers... so basically there no difference in performance/support/capabilities.
Man, just go for a vps hosting... I have a vps with modvps.com and their support is very good... However, I did not used resource intensive scripts, but have running 5-8 instances of a article directory script... Where ever you go for a vps, look for a 1024 mb ram hosting or atleast 512 mb of ram...

In a shared hosting environment, you will only get their allotted 0.0000000001 % of resources.... :D
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Another vote to get a VPS, bit more $$ a month but well worth it - if you use half of what they try to sell you on shared hosting you get booted normally.

At least with a VPS you have run of the whole thing to yourself!