I suck at html! Help!


Junior Member
Oct 4, 2008
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I have a site... 3w.RichWithTheRock(dot)com

I want to allow members to JOIN and I want downloads to be for members only. I won't take resources from this site (this stuff is just too awesome and I want to keep it within our community) but only use free resources from places like resource-a-day and ebooks i find on free ebook sites... and I have no idea how to make it a membership site. Help.. please!! It is still under construction :yield::yield::yield:
Instant Membership Site Creator
might be worth it to start learning basic PHP etc...it can never hurt in this business!
might be worth it to start learning basic PHP etc...it can never hurt in this business!

I know the basics...my site is up and running! I can add ads and all the content I need to add. Anything else, I can outsource it. But um thanks for your comment. What business are you referring to? No extensive php knowledge needing in marketing. I am a marketing student :cool: And I do pretty good thanks.
I know the basics...my site is up and running! I can add ads and all the content I need to add. Anything else, I can outsource it. But um thanks for your comment. What business are you referring to? No extensive php knowledge needing in marketing. I am a marketing student :cool: And I do pretty good thanks.

He is talking about making money online. PHP is very helpful. He wasnt saying you cant do well without knowing PHP but it really helps because it is used for so many things.

Most scripts now are written in PHP so if you know PHP you can write your own scripts and modify other people's
I know the basics...my site is up and running! I can add ads and all the content I need to add. Anything else, I can outsource it. But um thanks for your comment. What business are you referring to? No extensive php knowledge needing in marketing. I am a marketing student :cool: And I do pretty good thanks.

the business I was referring to was Internet Marketing. I dont care how much schooling you have in marketing, knowing HTML, PHP or any other web based skill is valuable.
Instant Membership Site Creator

Any chance of posting this to mediafire? This link has reached its limit.


Yeah, I think I am interested in this too..Please re-upload
to create a subscription based membership site you could always use joomla, community builder, and AEC... you would need to use joomla 1.0 as AEC (the subscription plugin) is not officially stable on J1.5
shameless promotion here :)
if you need joomla installation with uniquq articles, be sure to read my thread:
Anybody have that in the link above? It has reached its limit and I don't want to pay for Amember.
I have that in the link above.. I had to make some modifications to it because some of the functions are buggy. You can get it to work if you really put some effort into it though. Joomla and wordpress are good and all, but there is no good free script that I have found to accomodate a good membership site.
You can use Joomla+AEC+Community Builder (Free) or Joomla+CB Subscription+Jomsocial (Pay). The best thing for Joomla is you can add more components in the future so it's not very hard to make your website better. Don't forget the SEO and Sitemap component. I am very good with Joomla and always use it for my projects. Hope that helps.
There is also another CMS (PHP + MYSQL as usual) with high modularity worth of notice out there, which can be integrated with PHPBB2/3, WikiMedia, and any other major OSS package. Google for Joomla and MAmbo and it will come out together with them. It is more complicate to use but the potential, compared to Joomla, is absolutely superior. If anyone is curious just ask...