I should get new Web Hosting Packet for every EMD?


Junior Member
Dec 6, 2012
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Im searching about one thing that i couldn't understand.
People telleing that they are finding EMD's for their nichies. Then buying 10 more EMD's.
So they are redirecting all domains to a web hosting packet or buying new hosting packet for every EMD.
For example i already have a web site packet. "vvvv,alreadyexist,kom" my hosting service allowing me to direct to home folder or another folder new domains"vvvv,perfectemd,kom". I should redirect all new domains or i should get new ip , new web hosting for every single EMD?
How many EMD's you will suggest for one hosting packet? Im planing small things. Im just learning atm.
You can safely put several sites on same IP.. No need to be waisting money different IPs..
The only time I bother with buying separate hosting is if I intend to link that site to my "money site" and I want to make sure it passes juice. Other than that a reliable host that allows multiple addon domains will suffice.