I ran out of things to write about in my niche

Sep 29, 2019
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Tech niche, problem is a lot of things i write about require experience with ceertain programs, programming etc. and while i covered a lot of my knowledge, unfortunately if i want to write article about coding something i first have to code it to learn how to..

which takes a lot of time so its not worth it

i already have 200 links so starting over in different niche is out of question

im just not sure how to target more kws in this niche without always messing in code and programs?

throwing site away or spending days on single short article is big nono..

idk how to bite this
should've planned the site before starting.

I would outsource content AND kw research at this point.

If not, build another site.
Look at the Tech questions on Quora for inspiration. Try answering those questions with articles on your website.
Maybe you can make your niche a little broader, why only programming, there's plenty of things to talk about in tech.
Keyword Research? What tools did you use? And maybe contact Sellers here who might specialise in the niche (sorry, I don't actually know any personally).
Just rewrite someone else's article.

For example if you want to write an article about Programming with Python, Google it and take some of the highly ranked articles. Then rewrite them in your own words and mix up the content.

Don't need to learn Python and much faster. Clearly don't just copy them word for word and make significant adjustments to the order, structure etc.
Tech niche, problem is a lot of things i write about require experience with ceertain programs, programming etc. and while i covered a lot of my knowledge, unfortunately if i want to write article about coding something i first have to code it to learn how to..

which takes a lot of time so its not worth it

i already have 200 links so starting over in different niche is out of question

im just not sure how to target more kws in this niche without always messing in code and programs?

throwing site away or spending days on single short article is big nono..

idk how to bite this
Man, how are you? Look, calm first of all. You've been on this for a while and you've done the hardest part of the job. Now all that remains is to instruct you, see it as something positive, you are acquiring another skill along with what you already have.

The niche of technology as you say is very wide, see this as something positive instead of negative, because even if you don't know it at this time, at some point you could talk about it.

So without scrolling more, my advice is as follows.

1) Search for other blogs with good performance in your technology niche and be inspired by their articles, obviously I do not say that you copy, but you can use that material and do a little more research to create better articles and the best of all is that you do not have to Learn nothing if you don't want to learn it.

2) If you don't want to work more than you already can, you can pay someone specialized in writing SEO articles in the technology niche.

3) Learn a little Python, watch YouTube videos about new technologies and get inspired.

Above all, congratulations on your perseverance in your trip and calm. For everything in life there is a solution, you just have to sit down and think with enough logic to get out of the hole.
inurl:blog "yourniche or your keyword"
site:medium.com "yourniche or your keyword"

these two will give you enough topics to write on .