I need your ideas.


Regular Member
Mar 20, 2024
Reaction score
Hello, I'm a new member. Most of my friends are new members like me. Hello to them too.

Before becoming a member, I browsed and researched a few topics. What makes me happy and encouraged here is the sincerity under the topics.

I would like to explain this briefly. Those who have knowledge are of course prioritized. Those who do not, if they answer by empathizing, they will make me very happy.

My goal; I can say that my Telegram channels will be open for 1 month. What can I do to grow? Honestly, I've tried many ways. I'm moving forward with a new goal every day. I can say that I'm a little stuck on this issue because it's Adut content.

I tried Reddit, but it's incredibly difficult and time consuming. I didn't want to get banned because of my job.

I bought and used a recruitment bot and I can't say it worked very well. BC attracts people. Now people are like: "What do you mean where did I come from all of a sudden?" I tried, so I didn't want to attract members.

I also advertised on a couple of telegram (Adut) channels and 50 of them didn't even cover my advertising money. This is what surprised me the most.

Believe me, my channels are very professional, people from all walks of life are evaluated. I have adjusted everything accordingly. Don't think I am a simple channel.

What are your opinions?

Please don't be prejudiced against me. I want to try and be successful.
Hastags on Telegram don’t work like they do on other platforms. They’re more so for in-chat specific searches or for all the chats you’re already in, not for finding results from chats you’re not in already.
Essentially only two things that matter is what is the name and how many subscribers it has (more subscribers puts it ahead in search results). Channels also seem to be prioritised compared to groups.
But Telegram search isn’t really designed for discovery, so all I could suggest you is to find a place outside Telegram to promote it to get it going on its own. And/or (even though I don’t like that use personally) use “send as channel” feature to chat in groups.