I need US verified Amazon reviews!!!

I need reviews for a health product can you help and how do I pay you please? (and how much) thanks
im interested. hit me up on skype if you still need reviews.
if still needed i can help you out, skype ID: famousjham
PM'ed you while ago but you didn't respond... I have an account since 2010 with many purchases Please contact me
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Hello Blackhatters,
I need Verified Amazon Reviews and seller reviews for a few products. Your accounts need to be US accounts. I will give visa gift cards for you to buy the product and keep the rest. your cut will be between $10.00 and $15.00 per review. I will write the review so all you have to do is copy paste. Even if you can only write one review you can do this, easiest money you will make.
Let me know if you can help

clear your PM man.
Also, I can do it, PM me your skype.
i can help you i don't need a money im looking free stuff. my skype is a : nabada_vip
I can do the Review let me know by Pm.
Your PM box is Full.
Your inbox seems to be full , BTW add me on skype or PM me can do 200+ Amazon Reviews for you , i have a huge list of amazon reviewers , would be happy to deliver my service to you..
I can do this for you - I have many US Amazon accounts. Let me know. PM me and we can skype.
Sorry to those that have tried to pm me, I have been away from BHW for a while, but I am back and still need help with this. let me know if anyone would like to help.

I can post purcHase verified amazon reviews.
If you need that please contact with me...

Posted via http://topify.com on Android
Sorry to those that have tried to pm me, I have been away from BHW for a while, but I am back and still need help with this. let me know if anyone would like to help.

pm me if you require amazon reviews I can provide you with a constant supply daily.