I Need Ideas On What To Buy A Long Term Client For 5 Year Anniversary


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2011
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I have a client that I have worked with for 5 years and I want to get him something for it. It is for my offline business and I do spend alot of time with him, 4 hours a week. I get along great with him and he always treats me well. However he is wealthy so he can buy whatever he wants. I want to get him something that he will appreciate/sentimental value. He is 65 years old and a business man if this helps.
Anything that is personal to him is going to work. At a certain point in life, things are just not that important, especially when the person can pretty much buy what they want, but the sentiment or the specialness of a gift is.

In a business relationship I would stay away from sentiment a bit so I would look at what would be special to him/her.

If he is a boater, get him a nice painting to hang on his wall.
A fan of a ball club, some kind of memorabilia under glass or framed.

Think of what he likes as an outside interest and get something that is unique to that.
Its hard to buy a watch for someone who said hes planning on buying a rolex next. Anyone else?

The fact he can buy whatever he wants can be advantageous for you too.

If you put the effort into finding something useful/unusual/creative that he hadn't thought of himself, he will appreciate it a lot more.

I don't know what to suggest because I don't know the guy, but think about his hobbies and interests, the things he likes talking about, what he's passionate about.

One good pointer for you:

If you are ever at his home or office, look at his bookcase - you can tell a lot about someone from the books they read. It's always a great source of gift ideas.
Anything that is personal to him is going to work. At a certain point in life, things are just not that important, especially when the person can pretty much buy what they want, but the sentiment or the specialness of a gift is.

In a business relationship I would stay away from sentiment a bit so I would look at what would be special to him/her.

If he is a boater, get him a nice painting to hang on his wall.
A fan of a ball club, some kind of memorabilia under glass or framed.

Think of what he likes as an outside interest and get something that is unique to that.

Well said. now just to think of that unique gift. Thanks!
I have a client that I have worked with for 5 years and I want to get him something for it. It is for my offline business and I do spend alot of time with him, 4 hours a week. I get along great with him and he always treats me well. However he is wealthy so he can buy whatever he wants. I want to get him something that he will appreciate/sentimental value. He is 65 years old and a business man if this helps.

Book a room in a quality hotel and give him a briefcase full of Viagra and a 20 year old high end escort!
That's the kind of gift I would appreciate.
A fan of a ball club, some kind of memorabilia under glass or framed.

This. 100%.

I am a big fan of signed sports memorabilia for those people that have everything and could buy whatever they wanted. This is something that works very well. It's meaningful and even though they could jump online and order anything they wanted they don't. I use http://www.sportsmemorabilia.com/ for all my purchases. The memorabilia industry took a major hit and you can get really nice stuff for short money these days.
This. 100%.

I am a big fan of signed sports memorabilia for those people that have everything and could buy whatever they wanted. This is something that works very well. It's meaningful and even though they could jump online and order anything they wanted they don't. I use these guys for all my purchases. The memorabilia industry took a major hit and you can get really nice stuff for short money these days.

Thanks man awesome site! I already found a couple of good ideas!
In case you don't figure it out by the deadline, just go with an expensive bottle of wine. Classic.
The fact he can buy whatever he wants can be advantageous for you too.

If you put the effort into finding something useful/unusual/creative that he hadn't thought of himself, he will appreciate it a lot more.

I don't know what to suggest because I don't know the guy, but think about his hobbies and interests, the things he likes talking about, what he's passionate about.

One good pointer for you:

If you are ever at his home or office, look at his bookcase - you can tell a lot about someone from the books they read. It's always a great source of gift ideas.

Ya he definitley is pationate about sports so Im looking into that. Thanks!
Definitely go with something unique.

The Sports Memorabilia is a good idea.

If you have a nice image of your client, you could modify it a bit and have it printed on wood by using something like: http://www.printsonwood.com/

You could also check on Etsy for some personalized ideas such as:

If he has a nice quote or saying, have it framed: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/207314692/no-admittance-except-on-party-business
A personalized wallet or something like that: https://www.etsy.com/ca/search?q=personalized wallet
A personalized large sign in wood or metal with his companies' logo: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/176080365/metal-sign-plasma-cut-with-your-logo-and or https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/151688389/personalized-brewing-company-sign-rustic
Personalized Wine tools: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/194236165/personalized-7pc-wine-accessories-tool
Personalized Cuff Links: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/218...age=5&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery

Something hard to get: such as tickets for a good sports game.

It might be hard but try booking and organizing a meeting with a person he admires.

Good luck and let us know what you decide.
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Sweet.. What a sweet long-term working relationship. Just offer him a free work. Congratulations to the both of you OP! :)
Those of you that are suggesting booze... in a business relationship gifting that is not a good idea all the time and more often not a bad idea if the guy is a non drinker or even a recovering alcoholic.

I would not care for a gift like that as I no longer drink. I would not be the least bit offended, and I would appreciate the thought on the part of the gifter, but it would not have any value to me and would end up in a box/closet.

A wall hanging that has a jersey or some other sports memorabilia or a painting of something that I have a strong interest in is something that would be on my office wall and would cause me to remember the person, and his business, that gave it to me.