I need a tool/plugin/script which does this!


Power Member
Jan 11, 2008
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I am working on some VERY interesting WP plugin, and i need a tool/plugin/or example PHP script which does the following: (Or at least shows me how its done)

*) to log in to Google Adwords account and automatically post/create an Ad which has been created.

I know its possible...i just need sample code to check how its done.

Any time that you are going to access another Web site from a PHP script, you should probably start your search with the PHP CURL functions.

Basically, on servers with CURL support for PHP, you can read Web pages as if they were files, parse them, and so on.
well yes i use CURL, thats not a problem. Just wondering whether there is something out yet...saves me time instead of re-inventing the wheel.
In that case, no, I don't know of any off the shelf code that is set to log in to Adw0rds.

In the past, I have done this by using a php based proxy. I know that it might seem like overkill, but the proxy, for the most part, handles all of the link parsing, and other nasty stuff, which let's me focus on scraping for whatever it is that I am looking for, and/or submitting whatever I need to submit.