I need a programmer


Sep 29, 2007
Reaction score
I have two payments todays so im planning on testing an idea i had some time ago
I need a good coder who can creates account creator
I'm not a good coder, but I would love to know the site where you want to create accounts...
I can probably help you, how much do you pay and whats the name of the site ?
You should talk to the local specialists on bot creation.
Bodeezy and Frequency can probably either make it for you, or sell you something they have made already.
I am also a coder. I have working on a Google Acocunt Creator and on a YouTube Account Creator. It's free. PM me if you want it...
Im a good coder, My expertise are C++, php, JS, Perl, Ruby.

PM me the details and ill let you know what I can do.
Ill let you know upfront though that my time is very limited as I have allot of contracts pending so It may be a couple weeks before I can get to your project.
hi, if you're still looking drop me a pm i'm sure i can help you.

we are group of web programming consultant. we are expert in php/mysql/ajax/javascript. contact me through PM.