I just noticed this Google kit plugin might make your wordpress load slow


Jan 7, 2018
Reaction score
I not sure why, few days while editing post under WP , I find it load slow

Check with siteground is ok , etc stuff.

So i go plugin check , I don't use many plugin as a lot folks know that if you use many plugin it does lag your WP loading time while you are editing post or add post etc stuff.

So I remove this google kit plugin, as I don't bother to check traffic under google analytics. I can see from Adsense side roughly know how much visitor

so I removed it, suddenly feel my WP load ok like back to normal never lag.

so I not sure on others, using this Google kit plugin.
Implement this instead of regular GA code. Will have zero or minimal impact on loading time.
Never use any official Google plugins for your Wordpress sites. They all suck!
Never use any official Google plugins for your Wordpress sites. They all suck!
actually Is official from google if I get it right , call Google kit I remember Google developer site showing it
now the latest is that " Story view " plugin