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I have very few friends because of IM - What about you guys?


Elite Member
Mar 2, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys,

When I was in college and school, I always hang out with friends. But now, all my friends went to bigger cities and got jobs in software companies. And they are having good friends in workplace.

Now, I work for like 16 hours day. I rarely go out. I have some employees here but it would be weird to hang out with employees. I have some friends IM field but they dont live near to me.

Last week, I met my old friend then I just realized what my life has become lately. I feel like I'm turning into some 'NERD' that I made fun of in school... I mean yeah. I make more money than my friends but whats the point if you cant enjoy???

What about you guys? how you are spending time with your friends and stuff???

It shouldn't be like that. If anything, IM should give you more time to go out. You're working too hard dude. I think the secret to IM success and happiness is to automate everything so that instead of working 16 hours, you only work 5, and the rest of your time you can use it to have fun. Otherwise, why do IM if you're turning into someone who you don't want to be?
I do IM in my free time and just hang out with mates whenever I can. Keeps me from nerding myself at home all the time IM'ing.
Maybe you could get a desk job and secretly IM during working hours. That way you can have both friends + money. Just a dumb suggestion :D
Yeap i know the feeling pretty well. And I've decided to do something about it. There's a social site called couch surfing, basically you give your couch for the night to a total stranger for free and you can get a free couch all over the world. And you don't even have to host. In most cities there are meetings where you can meet other people and also travelers. Great way to spice up your social life and also hear some great stories.
I think its different for everyone. I had many friends in school. Now though, Id kinda compare my circle of friends to backlinks. I would rather have a few good friends (backlinks) than a bunch of people I kinda know who are kinda cool.

Also, I think IMing gets you into a different mindset and you just look at the world in general a little different.
yeah same here, i feel like i don't hang out with friends anymore and it's just that i don't do the things i used to do
I too have that feeling but really i don`t want those guys as my friends as my mind set is different from them, i know one day they will be crying on barefoots and i will be crying in my Ferrari!:cool:
You will have to separate.
Work 10 hours instead of 16 on some days.
Then you start hanging out.
First with a few guys you already know, and because of them you quickly meet new people.
Also on the internet - I made some great friends I see et least every month.
i have no friends offline mate, absolutely 0. even my brother thinks im a freak, my entire life these days is online, and i don't feel sad about it, cos the fuckin money is good man :mad:
I agree with you guys, that I should work less. But even if I have time, I'm dont have any friends here to hangout. All of them moved out to big cities. I guess I should move out too :(
Well this is not related to im at all,the thing is about free time.

Learn how to outsource and scale up your business,when you have more free time start doing sports or other group activities.

I also lost contact with most of my friends because of im,but after i was able to get free time i was able to enter on a circle of new friends trough sports and everything went back to normal.
you can make friends online and join some night clubs to get new friends
still if it doesnt work out for you then get a part time job just to be social and in the remaining time you can do your IM
btw where are you from ?
i have no friends offline mate, absolutely 0. even my brother thinks im a freak, my entire life these days is online, and i don't feel sad about it, cos the fuckin money is good man :mad:

Friends are what spices up life mate, what good is having it all if you can't share with ur mates.

I'm still far away from that level, but i hope to earn enough in IM (passive income) that i can work anywhere as long as i have internet connection and a laptop. That would be my ultimate goal.
don't say that you don't have friends
we all are like a family on BHW
I feel you OP. I live in a country where most people go for jobs in companies when they are capable of so much more. If you don't have a job, you are a loser here. I work out of my home and there are so many people who think I am a lazy bum who is telling everyone that I do freelancing as an excuse. Everywhere I go, people are always like "So, what do you do"..and they don't understand anything I say either..so I just say freelancing and some don't even get that.

But, I do have friends I hang out with every now and then. But, I want to make the big bucks so I can hang out in style, in nice places. Until then, I don't mind spending hours and hours alone in a dark room, in front of two computers. Just keep your spirits up and put in the hard work. When the money rolls, friends and women will find you. Sad but true.
I feel you OP. I live in a country where most people go for jobs in companies when they are capable of so much more. If you don't have a job, you are a loser here. I work out of my home and there are so many people who think I am a lazy bum who is telling everyone that I do freelancing as an excuse.

You know what, most people who replied here are from the same country as you ;)