It is a good way to make a few bucks if the pics are good.
Look at any newspaper website and you should find a link to report a story.
Don't send them the pics until you have negotiated a possible price for them.
Start with the biggest papers and work your way down.
If that is too much work for you then do a google search for "image syndication" and those companies will sell the photos for you.
I am not lazy or anything, but i am not form the USA so i know the biggest newspapers in Europe better. Can you
please give me a list with the biggest newspapers in the States please?
BEst regards,
Before sending it to a newspaper or something for a quote make sure you have a RIDICULOUS watermark pointing to your website with your name on it or something so that they can't steal it. They will jack it from you if the chance. Make a copy and put watermarks all over it to the point that there's no way of possibly hiding it, show them it and get a quote and then negotiate from there