I have an SEO question that I know you guys can answer...


Registered Member
Jan 7, 2016
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I have a lengthy question for you SEO people.

I am in an industry that has been around for hundreds of years. It is my passion. There is a need in the industry that I know a solution for. At one point the industry would have not paid for the solution because, for most, it would have been unaffordable. However now, it is affordable and will still be of utmost use.

The search term that is always used is "how can I fix the problem" and almost never "how can I prevent " the problem. The way I see it, it will be very hard to get my solution out there when someone have the problem already. However, they will never want to deal with the problem again. How do I get my solution in front of the issue, not behind it.
And would I be thinking correctly that once this person has this problem they will never want to have this issue again (believe me they won't!) and be more then ready to keep it from happening again?

SEO part of the question: Should I focus my kw campaign on the phrases that they are using to fix there problem rather then on the very low search phrases of how to prevent the problem?

There is enough to talk about on the issue in the forums and the like about the problem so should I try to catapult my solution where people are who could be shown that there is a solution to a problem, that they are well aware of that they have, but don't really know what the solution could be.

I hope this explained things in a way that anyone with good solid advice can understand and give me some really good advice here.

Thanks all...look forward to your responses.
I assume you'll be creating a website about this whole problem, correct?

In that case you should probably have 2 sections: how to solve the problem and how to avoid the problem.

Your contribution and your differential will be how to avoid the problem if I understand correctly, so you're gonna place emphasis on that.

I think this is a case of creating a good quality site and not doing anything black hat on it. Join relevant groups on Facebook and forums related to it, and get your solution known.
Why OR but not AND? I would use 2 options. How to solve a problem and how to prevent it.
On the website i would use interlinking between two parts.
In that case you should probably have 2 sections: how to solve the problem and how to avoid the problem.

Agree with it.

have them both on your website.

If your sollution is brand new to the industry, it might take some time until people get used to it. So the best investment you can make is to run both sections on your website and EDUCATE your customers.

In addition, you should focus even on the little searched term. If nobody does it and is only you, basically you can dominate it. And as an imagition exercise, think what will happen to your business if that kw search explodes. :)

As a rule of thumb, for your sollution, try to cover as many angles as possible.
You all ready got the answers you wanted.
Aim on all possible variations of the keywords"Think out of the box for while" and make content on them.
And cover all angles.
Thanks guys, I think it is unanimous, I would be a fool not to take this advice. I clearly see your points. Thanks a bunch...now just wish me luck ;O)
I thought I could help, but after I read the thread I realized that I'm the one that has been helped. lol

Either way thanks for the questions and answers. NOTED!