i have a friend who is a millionaire

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needless to say he doesnt help me at all, gives bluepill advice tells me to get a job where i earn 2k a month, of course doesnt send me any money

i will cut contact

he was my best friend in the past for years

all i know is if i was millionaire and he suffered like me, having only 200 euros a month, i would send him some money

i am very disappointed

this proves friendship isnt real
Similar happened to me OP... I didn't expect or want him to give me money for the sake of it.. (even though like you I would have done that for him), but hoped for support setting up something that would generate a higher income for me.

Instead for many years I worked is bad jobs getting virtually nothing, never had any support from him. You have to remember as well, until you're in their situation you don't know how you would act.. but I feel you, I dealt with a similar situation, and he was a friend of decades.

It didn't massively effect our friendship, but privately I felt resentful.

But... the secret is that once you stop worrying about other people family/friends who have money and could help you, you realise that you have to do it yourself. I realised that I was in the situation I was in, not because my friend wouldn't fund me setting up a business, but because I was settling for shit jobs that paid low wages instead of shifting my focus and being more creative.

Killing off an expectant mindset frees up your thought processes and makes you more determined to open up new ways of making money OP. Once you flip it and decide that even if he offered you money you wouldn't take it, you'll start to succeed a lot more on your own.

Now years later I'm in a situation where if he offered me money I would laugh, but that's only because of taking responsibility for the situation 100% and ignoring what other people have and are doing.

Keep pushing OP, on your own.. you'll do it mate. The alternative is continuing to live with a beggars mentality.. where you always look for ways others can help you. It's a common and destructive mentality you need to absolutely shed at all costs.
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Oh your freind is very cruel

Lucky me, eventually my friend signs his half fortune to me :anyway: :anyway:
The fact that you're expecting him to give you money and then cut ties if he doesn't is a good indicator that the issue is on your side tbh
This guy :D
What about you stop being a little crybaby, get your ass up and make something out of your life. No one is responsible for you but yourself. The sooner you realize this the better.
It's pretty much the story of Robert Kiyosaki that he describes in his book "rich dad poor dad" and that true.

He's not giving you money because he knows it's like drug addiction, and you will come back for more again and again as he probably experienced it with other peoples.
OP read the book if not already done; I'm sure we all know someone who received "free" money (rich parents gift, legacy, and so on) only to waste it in futilities or at least not properly.
Money is a lever or a multiplier if you do not know how to make money, yet all your investments will not work, and the money will be lost.

Having your back against the wall changes everything.
The survival instinct makes you creative, and creativity makes you earn real money.
If I had had some "given" money, I would probably still doing a 9-5 job for peanuts.

> Ask him to give you work and learn. After a while, why not asking to make a small business with him as a partial investor.

The worst situations always happen at the best time, change this loser mindset, and you will see all the solutions.
It's pretty much the story of Robert Kiyosaki that he describes in his book "rich dad poor dad" and that true.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a badly written fairy tale, and it is well known that Robert Kiyosaki made it all up. I like inspirational business books just like the next guy, but this was the only one from over 20 books of that sort I have read over the past years that I ripped apart and threw into the trash. It insults the readers' intelligence. It amazes me that people still recommend it all over the place.

One very good analysis of why the book is utter garbage can be read here: https://johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-...ert-t-kiyosakis-book-rich-dad-poor-dad-part-1
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Nah, this has to be trolling. :D

And if you're not trolling, then you have a big entitlement PROBLEM.

So he should give you all his money because he wants to enter the "kingdom of God" which probably doesn't exist. Jokes on you man.
Friends are friends and business is business.

You cant expect him to shoot you cash just cause you’ve had a tough go of it lately.

That being said, instead of asking him for a handout. Why not come up with a decent business proposal and ask him to invest.

With most of the people I know who are worth that kind of money. It’s the only thing that works.
"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a badly written fairy tale, and it is well known that Robert Kiyosaki made it all up. I like inspirational business books just like the next guy, but this was the only one from over 20 books of that sort I have read over the past years that I ripped apart and threw into the trash. It insults the readers' intelligence. It amazes me that people still recommend it all over the place.

One very good analysis of why the book is utter garbage can be read here: https://johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-...ert-t-kiyosakis-book-rich-dad-poor-dad-part-1

Agree with you, I also found that everything he said was obvious, but it's a book for newbies.
That said, believe it or not, it's a game-changer for many people, that explains why he is so highly recommended.
This man is very benevolent, I like his energy. Of course, all the "mindset guru" don't tell all the truth, but that doesn't make their messages less valid.
It seems to me you have a good friend that suggests you to get a job. Stop being jealous about his fortune. If you have good business idea and proven record he might be ready to invest in your project. Why should he gift you money if you are not ready to even get a regular job?
Agree with you, I also found that everything he said was obvious, but it's a book for newbies.
That said, believe it or not, it's a game-changer for many people, that explains why he is so highly recommended.
This man is very benevolent, I like his energy. Of course, all the "mindset guru" don't tell all the truth, but that doesn't make their messages less valid.

My problem with Robert Kiyosaki is not that his stuff is obvious, not even that his writing is terrible, but that he made his story all up. He lied. And he used to be into shady MLM big time, I wouldn't call that benevolent. Plus, some of the advice he gives is just bad. As for "mindset gurus", M.J. DeMarco's "The Millionaire Fastlane" is similar, but better (which isn't hard).
there are no friends

everyone would betray you

everyone only thinks about themselves

i wish this wasnt true. but it is
Maybe go seek professional help. Don't think a few sessions would do. Maybe ask your friend to pay.... ;-)
I am glad that I don't have friends who expect money from me. Never be jealous of anyone. If you want to be like someone or better than him/her, work hard for it and earn yourself instead of expecting that someone will give you money by seeing your condition.
Lol. He doesn't send you money. Why should he? Obviously you don't want to learn from him, so why you're bitching? From my point of view, is doing the right thing. If were seeing some value in you, maybe he would have helped you, somehow.
needless to say he doesnt help me at all, gives bluepill advice tells me to get a job where i earn 2k a month, of course doesnt send me any money

i will cut contact

he was my best friend in the past for years

all i know is if i was millionaire and he suffered like me, having only 200 euros a month, i would send him some money

i am very disappointed

this proves friendship isnt real
A good friend gives rather than receives. Your friend is giving you good advice so he is a good friend. You are giving him nothing, so you are a bad friend.You will be worse off when you cut him off.
If you think that way then he is probably right by offering you to get a job.
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