I have a black hat

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Jan 26, 2014
Reaction score
It has yellow lettering on it. Says "Nike".:cool: {Not original I'm sure.}

I'm here to learn about how to take advantage of my old ebay account 14 years old, 325 feedback, 100% positive!

Open to learning different ways of legal online money-making.
Are you open to learning legal ways to make money online orrrrr....taking advantage of your 14 year old, 325 feedback, 100% positive Amazon account? I'm having trouble reading between the lines.
Are you open to learning legal ways to make money online orrrrr....taking advantage of your 14 year old, 325 feedback, 100% positive Amazon account? I'm having trouble reading between the lines.
Both! They aren't mutually exclusive. I think.
Both! They aren't mutually exclusive. I think.

Word! Well then welcome brother. You just have to realize that a lot of first time posters come here with ulterior motives. So disregard the sarcasm.
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I dont want to ruin this thread, but are you interested in sellling the account ? If so ill buy it if the price is right. Thanks. Btw welcome to the forum
Interesting... how do you sell an ebay account? Sounds shady... but then that's what black hats are for: shade.
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