i have a big pc gaming audience, need some advice on how i can utilize them to earn money


Power Member
May 20, 2012
Reaction score

i have a pc gaming website that gets thousands of hits per day, that a long with twitter/facebook/gaming group with thousands of people in it

i currently make most of my money from amazon aff, i was thinking of making a wordpress with myarcadeplugin with adsense

has anybody had success with myarcadeplugin?

or maybe a site where users need to do surveys in order to gain points to be able to redeem for pc games (yes I have a lot of games to giveaway) but i have no idea if this is difficult to set up or not

would appreciate tips and advice guys
Well first things first -> Gather email with a simple form. Even if you don't use them now, it's where the money is.

then, can you tell us more about your niche exactly ? What are you providing on your site ? reviews? sales ?
Sell games... Also offer to buy used games and re-sell them for a profit.. Sell gaming accessories like joysticks, gaming keyboards, headsets, etc..

If you really are a gamer, you should know your stuff...
I wouldn't change to adsense because the most of the clicks will be less than $0.30 cpc, and after a while everyone who was gonna click your ads, will have. The benefit of selling through Amazon is that it's highly unlikely someone who has bought something through you before on amazon will never do so again.
Like said before, G2A (Goldmine section). Also if your niche is a MMO take a look to try to get affiliate with gold sellers. Some CPA offer with game guides.
Try G2A
They sell games for a much cheaper price.
Here's an idea but try it with some twists: collect mails from your website to build your gamers list, then you can send people mails where you link people to cheap G2A links offer and you should say at the end of the mail that people can become your affiliate via your aff link and you'll teach via mail how to earn money with G2A.com for free.
You should build trust first with your list and they will do what you'll tell them.
Try G2a.

It is best for gaming niche, you can earn a lot and it is trusted website , People love to buy games from g2a.com
As other have said, I would go with G2a. You have the target market. PC gamers who love discounts.
Kushmoney is having success with em. Check out his journey thread he just started.

Build an email list and blast them some free sign up offers about any free trial for a video game that is relevant to your target audience.
OP if have a skype add me, I might buy ads\shouts on your website later :)
I am a gaming computer Manufacturer in the UK that could use some help from someone like you.
Buy games on humble bundle.
Sell the codes at full price.