I have 10K Twitter Followers, How to monetize?


Jan 23, 2013
Reaction score
Hey all, I have a high quality problem here...

I've got a really great Twitter account. It has 10,500+ Followers and some are pretty active and mention me here and then. I'm just wondering, how the hell do I start making some blasted money from this Twitter account??? I've tried SponseredTweets, but I haven't gotten any offers from them and I'm a Pro member too.. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

Try Mylikes.com, you get $ everytime someone clicks on your link on twitter. They have both worldwide and targeted country links, so anyone's click can get you money if you choose the right ads to post. Another website with a similar concept is Virurl.com, although I've read around that they sometimes do not payout. Mylikes on the other hand pays on time every friday. You can also go for Socibuzz.com, but there are a lot of US based ads only.
i just checked out mylikes. i think i might give that a try. could you give me an idea of how much work you put into it vs what you make 1x1x1?
Hey, I just tried mylikes. I think the payout per click is a little on the low side, but it's definitely a start. Sponsered Tweets has a pretty nice campaign where I'm making 1-2 cents a click, or if someone wants to use my Twitter handle a tweet nets me $10.

I also noticed that even if I have 10K followers, I only get about 3-5 clicks per tweet. To get more clicks, do you need to tweet more? Or are there just specific times that work best?

I found that I get about 10 clicks/tweet if I tweet Friday or Saturday afternoon.
Hey, just promote good quality related products/services to your Twitter follows. It all depends on how you've built your following, if half of your followers are just autofllow bots then you won't make much money out of it I'm afraid, on the other hand if these followers are interested in your tweets you can make some good buck. Just don't look over-promotional or you'll burn your twitter following fast.

This is my post on how to monetize, just skip to the last couple steps if you don't want to read the beginning :)
Where did you got the twitter? Did you buy it from someone else? How much a twitter with 10k followers costs?
I have 200,000 real followers ..

I didn't make not even $0.1 haha ..

Sure you can monitor your followers, tweets reach and impression from this tool: http://tweetreach.com/. Try it.. Maybe it's help for you.
If you have a specific niche that you target with your tweets, you can try affiliate marketing. You can link to either directly to the advertiser page (make sure to use powerful wordings and CTAs), or link to your blog where you have your referral or affiliate links. Blog might be a better option, as it's not too spammy, but if you don't overdo direct links, it also might work for you.