I had tears in my eyes, must watch!

this is very funny, sad thing is that he left the TV showbiz and went to a radio stations. Stil after years past he regrets that day. You can check youtube you will find a movie with him.
It is actually staged by the way :D


on of the comments from that link

This is a Belgian show, and with myself being Belgian, I can say that this is definitely not real. It was a sketch of a comedy show called 'In de gloria', which featured sketches about the 'darker' side of people. It's a credit to these actors that half the world believes that this was real Even Jay Leno got it wrong, it featured on his show and was mistaken for being real.

If you read the comment on the BBC site they link a pic to another sketch with these guys in.
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I saw this long ago... AND LAUGHED MY ASS OFF!

In fact, everytime I see it I friggin laugh!
Saw that ages ago, was crying of laughter the first time too. :p

Out of curiosity, any other Belgians in this thread? :D
It is actually staged by the way :D


on of the comments from that link

If you read the comment on the BBC site they link a pic to another sketch with these guys in.

Since I'm Belgian, I'll chime in :D
Yes, it was all part of a show with short sketches. The show has a bit of a cultstatus around here. The strength of the humor was that in the decade before this show aired, we were bombarded with human interest shows/ emotional talkshows like they imitate in this video. The characters they portray, however sad they may be, are actually very recognisable because of that.

There's a bunch of others on youtube. Search for "In De Gloria - Dansles (ontploffing)" there.
In the video a dancing instructor is teaching 2 men who are trying to pick up girls in dancings, but are always thwarted in their efforts because they can't feel when the "explosion" in the music is coming... Not sure how funny it is when you don't speak Dutch however... It always cracks me up though, since I know real life people like that... :o