I got verified badge for my personal FB account


Regular Member
Aug 11, 2020
Reaction score
I pay 15$ monthly to have a badge on my personal profile. But since all my ad accounts on that profile are disabled, looks like i cannot request to get a verified bagde for my PAGE, which is far more important than my personal profile.
Sorry to hear you got screwed over. I´ll pray for you.
meta sub blue badge is pointless it is nothing but a gig to get money from you bro. Even support after having blue sub is pointless
I pay 15$ monthly to have a badge on my personal profile. But since all my ad accounts on that profile are disabled, looks like i cannot request to get a verified bagde for my PAGE, which is far more important than my personal profile.
The first thing is that your advertising account profile does not have much influence on having a badge.
The second thing is that you don't need to spend money for the site to have a badge.
Which product you advertise depends on whether the advertising account meets that requirement