I got the boot from AC I need expert advise


Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
I am new to AC. I had a good amount of accounts slowly operating. I wake up to find out all of them have been suspended, and none reached the threshold of $500. I think they got me by the IP. Can someone please walk me through the next process. This is the first time it has happened. I need info on a good proxy server. Also, any other info to help me, its my first boot. Help please Help ASAP.
Uhh that sucks. I'm not really into AC, but I have had my experience with them. You mean you had all you accounts on the same IP? WTF?

Why even have different accounts then? In your case I would go with something like hide my ip. Some people will say it's not safe but that's what I used while doing AC. It's like 40 bucks or so and you can get you IP's by country which is important for AC or probably will be in near future.

Getting private proxys would cut into your margin which shouldn't be that great with AC anyhow. Getting public ones just sucks big time. But if you have time go for it.
You can also use something like TOR or just download an older version of hide-my-ip somewhere.

Hope this helps a little
Yes, it did. I know we should have had something to use instead of using the same IP, we were going to but procrastinated a bit too long. I tried to PM you directly Killahbee but can't for some reason. Let me ask, If I do go with HMIP, then do I even need to bother with proxies or VPN?

Been trying to get this question answered. Anyone?