Website only created 3 days ago, I'd be very wary of this for anything important.
They might be legit but a site started just 3 days ago could close just as quickly so if you are using them for anything important you should keep backups of everything.
it would be useful to use demo sites on this server . let me see what happens through time and i will post feedback
I'm pretty sure W130SN is going to appear here shortly and prove the site is yours. Good luck.
Hahah I did a quick look around but couldn't find anything.
Just wait for our dear Sherlock, he's done this rodeo a thousand times
Wouldn't trust it. There are plenty free web hosts, there's no reason to use this one.
Oh and OP, where'd you find the website?
Hey OP, this wouldn't be you, would it?, and
Funny how the website is Indian, and well, you are from India. Coincidence?