I got accepted to ************** (help please?)


Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
So i'm 17 and I have a CPA lead account now
it's asking me for my social security number

should I give it to them?
and Can i still work with them even though i'm 17?
why do they need my ssn?
Yes, you should give your SSN to them.

As far as your age, you can find that out by reading their TOS (terms of service). I imagine that this varies from network to network. Although, I don't recall ever being asked for my date of birth by any of the networks I belong to.

On a side note, good job for taking this kind of initiative at your age. When I was 17, I was jamming out to Motley Crue, skipping school, getting drunk at high school basketball games, and being an all around retard.

I just want to make a good living
don't wanna end up a hobo...
I started with CPA lead when I was 17. I've signed up to a bunch of networks and gotten approved at that age. Cpa lead is a good source for a bit of income if you have good enough methods to implement.
I would not tell them your 17, doing business with a minor brings extra liabiltys that they simply don't want. Its unlikely they would know your age by your social, they just need it for the 1099, so you should be fairly safe in giving it to them.
So my friend tells me this thing about irs tax
does cpa lead take it out for you
or do you have to pay it yourself?

my widget for ************** isn't working
when someone fills out a survey, they're stuck on "checking for completion"
when i went onto the site and click on widget diagnostics and entered the url with the widget on there, it said "widget was not found on page"
any help?
Sweet someone like me, i'm 16 trying to make money, failing though. In my opinion, I really don;t think they care. I got into two and one of them called me(asking about traffic and stuff). That 18 thing is probably for legal reasons.
i'm failing too

i don't know how to get traffic
made 4 dollars on ************** so far
There's a bunch of people on there that are under 18 so you should be fine. As others have said the SSN is for tax purposes and these days almost every network requires a SSN before they'll pay you anything.

So my friend tells me this thing about irs tax
does cpa lead take it out for you
or do you have to pay it yourself?

my widget for ************** isn't working
when someone fills out a survey, they're stuck on "checking for completion"
when i went onto the site and click on widget diagnostics and entered the url with the widget on there, it said "widget was not found on page"
any help?

nah, they wont take any taxes out from your earnings.

Its up to you to keep track off all ur earnings/expenses. So when tax season comes, you have to pay the irs whatever you owe them
All reputable companies require a SSN unless you are in another country. Age depends on their TOS. Good luck.
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Are you serious? youre selling this method and going to fuck this up too......wonderful