I got a question about squidoo.


Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
First I want to say I am not lazy. I am willing to do the work in order to make money but what I hate is putting in the time and effort and getting nothing in return.

With that being said my question is can you dominate in the SERPS with a squidoo lens? Anyone here doing so?

The reason I ask Is because I have started promoting a CB product using a squidoo lens as my landing page and doing article marketing to promote it. Now so far I have been able to get it indexed. However I don't rank in my main keyword. Although it has only been a week so I might be a bit inpatient.

You might be aware that there is a squidoo ring thread in progress. I looked at some of those lenses and heres what I noticed. Now take into consideration that I am in no way an expert at this:

-most of these lenses are not even indexed in Google. However if you search for the lens URL in Google the bhw squidoo ring thread shows up.

-using wholinkstome.com I noticed that most of these lenses have no links in yahoo search at least and upon further review of one such lens I found that most links where from digital point and
a: the content in the threads were not relevant to the lens
b: almost all links came from digital point

now the rank for that particular lens in Google for the main keyword is 9 which is not bad. However when you look at click through rates for SERPS positions the number nine position gets 2.83% of the click for the search term. while the number one position gets 42.30%.

the average "exact" search for the keyword in Google keyword tool is approx. 320 a month. And the "keyword" search in Google returns 901 results.

What I am trying to get to here is that the main keyword appears to be virtually no competition keyword and should be a cakewalk to get number one for. However I don't understand why you would want to go for a keyword with such few searches. And this is a junior VIP members lens.

And this was the best one I found. Although I did not check all but like i said most of the lenses I looked at where not even indexed by Google.

I just found this a bit interesting and a little disappointing at the same time. If someone that has experiences with SEO or squidoo could shed some light on the situation it would be helpful.

The reason I picked squidoo for a landing page was because of the belief that it would be easier to rank in the serps and also that once ranked I would not get sandboxed like I did with my blog. However I have been reading around and some people are saying that squidoo has been penalized by Google and has lost a lot of Google search traffic.

Well theres my rant for the day. Hopefully I did not offend anybody. Just looking for someone that has some experience with this to shed some light on the situation.
I've just started playing with squidoo, and have come up with a theory...

1) Create a lens (takes about 15 minutes, including writing content)

2) Throw a crapload of links at it

3) Rank

4) Collect money

My first lens, after less than a week, ranks well inside the top ten in google for its main keyword (according to the adwords tool, this search has around 3,000 searches a month)

As with anything - it's all about the links, throw enough links at pretty much anything, and it will rank.

I'm thinking about outsourcing 500 articles to our Indian friends, spending a weekend creating lenses, and unleashing my link spammer on them.
Its all about the velocity and force you can apply. If you can write 100 articles and post them to squidoo, add 200+ links each and link all your lens together, you can pretty much rank for any low hanging keyword.

My way is to create 1 lens and keep adding more to help it rank higher. once it reaches the required ranking, add 1 lens a week to help it sustain.
LOOLz i think hes talking about my lense in his thread looolz (correct me if im wrong).... and the reason is because i havent even started with google traffic at all.... i can wipe out the competiting squidoo lense that appears on the first page of google for my search term with just a few mins of work.... but i wanted to have a better ranking lense than them to start with and prepare a seperate site to collect the emails of the people that visit my lense..... increasing my income (but havent got round to it yet unfortunatly)...

as for search volume... well i know there isnt that many searches for it but still its going to make me some dosh now and again and i have another lense in production thats going to be on the same subject but a better money making keyphrase....

As for the digitalpoint links.... well i just added it into my sig and got a few hits now and again... but havent done any targetted traffic promotion really... (few yahoo answers and a forum on my niche got me alot of hits and clickthroughs but no sales yet).

Would just like to know what tools did you use to find out all this info.
Here is some great info that helped me getting Squidoo my lenses do rank awhole lot better now.

Here is some great info that helped me getting Squidoo my lenses do rank awhole lot better now.


is that the blackat guide on squidoo lense ranking on making loads of accounts and rating your own lense??
No these are more whitehat stuff things, that do help though like joining communities and stuff like that. i have had that ebook you mentioned but couldn't find it anywhere because i would have added it to the download.
I am also working on squidoo ranking. It seems it does take an amount of linkbacks, but it certainly carries some power along in the SERPS.
Squidoo gives a great starting ground, so do Hubpages, Youtube. But it's not the ultimate solution by itself.

Can you get a good position in Google with a Squidoo lens ? No question about it. As an example, I have a couple of lenses that have been in the top 5 for quite competitive keywords - with over 10 million other sites in the SERPS - and many secondary keywords for months now. For not so competitive keywords, you should be able to get into the top ten easily in a couple of days.

CB products can be tricky, though. It's not just a matter of how many other sites there are, but also how well optimized they are. Remember you're not the only online marketer trying to sell CB products. Watch for future releases also and start gaining momentum, not just stablished products.

Also, I don't know about using your Squidoo lens as "landing page", at least in the way you described. It's not that it won't work, but I think you might be working too hard on content creation. I send my article traffic directly to the sellers page whenever I can and get my lens ranked using web 2.0 sites. You can always do a bit of both, of course, I'd just keep an eye on my work load and not leaking too much traffic along the way.

I made a post on this thread on what's been working for me with Squidoo:

Just a word on a couple of things I've learnt about this:

- Don't think about "dominating" SERPS with one lens ,even if it's number one for your favorite keyword. Dominating would be having at least 5-6 results in the top ten for the main keywords in your niche. These results can be lenses, hubs, articles, Digg posts, Propeller posts, RSS aggregators entries, blogs, clips, tag pages where you are,etc...

- Link/ping/clip/RSS submit/social submit the hell out of everything you can. Heck, you can submit the RSS for a tag page where you're alone, or clip a social profile, etc. And it's not only because linking is good for SEO. It gives other sites the chance to pick your content and multiply it within time, particularly these days, with all that automatic site building software out there. Be patient and trust the web. Most people don't. They just try to control everything from begining to end, and stop if they don't see spectacular results within a couple of days - I was like this not too long ago, so I should know :)-.

- Also, you never know beforehand what keywords people are going to use to find you. You discover that afterwards. A great percentage of search terms occur only one or two times a month, so they stay under the radar.

The best of luck to you.
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Just like to let you all know that the lense that im talking about made its first sale yesterday with limited promotion ($100 approx commission).... really makes you feel good when you know your hard work is worth it....

Dont know exactly were the sale came from but given me alot of umph to carry on with this product.... and think i will invest some small time money into dominating the first page of google for my keyphrase now.... and people who are gonna try and copy... you got no chance so i wouldnt even try :P

hope this is a bit of motivation for some of you guys :)
Ok guys thanks for all the advice and tips. I guess it is a case of just me getting a bit impatient. I will keep adding backlinks and see where it goes.

Lewi, yea I was talking about your lens. Hope I did not upset you or anything, but now I understand what you are doing. Now about your question i found the lens through the squidoo ring post. I found the keyword by looking at the title and then using the firefox find function to see that you had the same keyword throughout the lens. Then I looked at adwords keyword tool to find search traffic, did a keyword search in google to find the rank and how many search results there were. Then I used wholinkstome.com to find links in yahoo. Hope that answers your question.
lewi thats awesome. I cant wait till I actually start making some money with this. Unfortunately I checked google and now my lens got deindexed. I did ad a module, I wonder if this had any effect on it. anyone know?
thanks :) was kinda hoping you had a tool that did all of this but its cool

may i suggest you use squidutils.com next time its alot quicker and also shows you alot more details about other peoples lenses which is good for competition spying and also has a usefull ping tool to get your lense updated by search engines :)

wish you the best of luck :)

was my first sale for this product which is good so now i know it converts.... am off to go and catch my next fish now :P

Dont know sorry... but it should re-appear shortly :)
hey lewi do you use cbtrends.com before you decide on what product to promote? Its got some useful stats about cb products.
nope.... hate that site.... im not ya normal affiliate marketer... i kinda beleive that if the product is good enough and i would buy it and i know the market then i can promote and sell.... and ive just proved that.....

according to cbtrends this product was going down (i looked because some 'pro' told me too) but i couldnt miss out on the big $100 commission per sale so decided to promote anyway.....

more research on keywords etc and found out that people were actually looking for the product.... so why not promote even if there is only one buyer a week or one buyer a month (every penny adds up and means there is less competition)....

so once i dominate google's top 5 or 10 results if im lucky with my lense then im going to make another lense (already half made) with a different keyphrase but same product.... and continue like that as i like the product and i know it sells now :)

then once i am making 1 or 2 sales consistently a day i will move to the bahamas and sit in my hammock on the beach and sip cocktails...... only joking.... i will find another product to promote....
This has been an incredible thread with lots of valuable info...

WE should have lke a section for squidoo though... even e-whoring got its own..
ad doing lenses is more admirable than e whoring...
squidoo comes hand in hand with hubages and wordpress really as they all rank highly