I dropped Google Analytics, here is the result

You could still use ga if you load it later. Try loading it after the page has loaded. That will not affect the page score, but you will still have ga. Even if you try to use an alternative, it would be pretty much the same. Not like google tries to bloat your page. ;)
You could still use ga if you load it later. Try loading it after the page has loaded. That will not affect the page score, but you will still have ga. Even if you try to use an alternative, it would be pretty much the same. Not like google tries to bloat your page. ;)
What's the best approach for this? I have some more custom .js files that I could apply this to
What's the best approach for this? I have some more custom .js files that I could apply this to
As for example:
Try calling this function:
on window load. I am sure there are better ways to do this though.
Google is preaching site speed but their own codes are slowing down the website. The same goes for embedded YouTube videos...
That's exactly the reason why I do not add YouTube videos. I prefer to upload the video to my site and use the <video> tag to embed it.
I tested my site through Pingdom before and after I removed the GA .js code.

- Score: 86
- Loading speed: 930ms

- Score: 95
- Loading speed: 593ms

Looks like I will be looking for an alternative. Any ideas?

I highly recommend add GA. If you want to add any premium ad network like mediavine/adthrive, they will ask for traffic proof. Or you want to sell your website a later stage, the seller will want to look at the history of traffic on your website and everybody trusts the name Google analytics.

So yes let go those precious milliseconds go away.
If you are using WP, you can use the best of the best speed optimization plugin like WP Rocket. They have an option to host analytics file inside of your host.
you can host GA locally.... if you are using WP, you can use a plugin like this https://wordpress.org/plugins/host-analyticsjs-local/

I dont suggest using it locally. Seems like a good thing but its not. Since alot of websites use GA most of the times any user visiting your website will have GA already installed from google CDN. If you host it locally it will be downloaded regardless if the user already has it installed on their device due to visiting others websites with GA.

Also regarding performance analytics websites, they never take into consideration this cache aspect which is preserved on most users that browse the Internet, since cache is always cleared to perform analysis on any website. So in reality, on average, the performance when loading a page of a user will be greater than the one stated.
No, it's the best plugin, nothing else coming near to this.

dude, learn to read and test more, usually helps.... there are free options BETTER than wp rocket... I know because all my websites load below 1s ... spent like 2 years to test almost anything about caching and all important hostings, vps etc ...

and funny ... now loading speed isn't that important like before
dude, learn to read and test more, usually helps.... there are free options BETTER than wp rocket... I know because all my websites load below 1s ... spent like 2 years to test almost anything about caching and all important hostings, vps etc ...

and funny ... now loading speed isn't that important like before

loading speed is, site speed is the most important factor when in comes to technical seo and ever. I'm using WP Rocket and it's the best plugin I have ever tested.
You realize that any external js will slow down your site?
You can also look at server side tagging etc. Free alternatives are pretty shit in comparison but of course if your not doing anything advanced you can use some 90s stuff like statcounter etc