I doubled my daily income overnight!! Here's how I made it...


Junior Member
Oct 21, 2011
Reaction score

I was making $100 daily just 1 week ago, Now I'm averaging $150-$200 per day. How I did it? Simple, Here's the tip, The only thing I've done Is that:

......I blocked and deleted my Girlfriend from Skype.

BOOM! Started making 100% more money the next day :D

Now go do some damage :banana:
you are so generous to share this story with us
lol. Excellent method :D
hmm, You might be on to something here ...
I've done the similar also to an extent, Although my girl knows little and doesn't understand alot of the concepts of internet marketing. Some people just aren't interested in learning and working for it.
This needs to be moved to jr vip. Immediately.
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mine lives with me im going to train her to start doing stuff for me
girls = great distraction

i'm sure we can all agree
Am I the only one here that thinks the love of my life is worth more than $50-100/day? :P
Someone should write an ebook about how to block irrelevant contacts from skype and how to avoid Facebook when doing work :)
how do you know that? love cannot be measured by numbers :p :D

You answered your own question. :) Love is worth more than any amount of money when it's true. In my opinion, of course, others may think differently and that's just fine. :)