I dont know which 2 domains to choose for my 100,000 ms KW


Regular Member
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
I have a domain which is the-xxx-xxx-review and an unrelated worded domain.

The xxx-xxx-review domain has the keywords in the domain and has a decent DA and PA with social signals of 20,000 fb & 1,000,000 views on G+

I have read that it wont rank well because it seems spammy, is this the case?

the other domain is unrelated and has okish DA & PA but no keywords.

I am planning to point my PBN which is powerful to the selected domain also.

Any help please
I would rather take "not spammy looking" one.

What sells online is credibility. xxx-xxx-review don't look trustworthy.

Also if the other domain is easy to remember but not KW domain, important part is ....... is it even related to your niche? If not, search for better ones. There's like 20 domain quite good suggestion tools.

Try NameMesh domain suggesion tool, they have decent suggestion and good whois availability check so it won't suggest domains that are already taken (some domain suggestion tools suggest taken domains)
That's a complete BS!

What matters is your on and off page SEO.
And if you didn't use words or sentence that's against Google's policy, you will be fine.
I vote for credibility! Internet has so many scammers that people really care about it.