I cant see my pins when i search them - what to do ?


Junior Member
Aug 16, 2020
Reaction score
Hello guys,

I m started to a pinterest account. I dont have any other account so it is totally fresh.

I added 2 pins and i searched them after then 8-9 hours. I cant see any of them.

How can pins sit to top of pinterests pins search or at least how can i see my pins when i search them.
Hi again guys,

i shared 48 hours ago my pins but i cant find them in pinterest search, do you know how many hours does it tooks to seen ?
Sometimes it takes up to 3 days till u find your username in pinterest search. This only applies to a new pinterest account.
If you were expecting easy SEO don't bother at all. The algorithm looks at lots of different points before, temporally, rank your pins.