I am looking for A Traffic Maybe Get Paid To Surf


Power Member
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, in this making money arena I find myself in need of immediate traffic. If you, or someone you know has traffic at a very cheap rate let me know.

I need it yesterday so just let me know what you got. I know I can buy traffic anywhere, but want to get it from a trust worth source.

i think he posted at the wrong section....killmule...you dont need to scold blackhat member by the word RETARD...it is rude to say that to him.
You talkin to me;)? This not right section? I'm so humble please feel free to move to a better place.

If your looking for PTC/PTS traffic it isn't going to be like the bulk traffic sellers prices...

Adverbux.com - is $7.50/cpm for 3 second advertisement... Thats pretty much the cheapest PTC/PTS traffic... other than that Google Bulk traffic sales, you can get like 100k visitors for $25...
Ok, that sounds good....heres a stange question....who has the best junk traffic. No bot but just raw traffic?

Anybody got a clue?
I'm all over it....thanks for your help there Alpha. I am off to the traffic.

Hey there Kristi,

Tried to send you a pm but your box is full if you will clear I can send. Thanks again
Be careful with gibux, he is a well known scammer. Gibux.com will probably be parked in a few days. He is the same owner of ggmvp, ggepay which scammed people of thousands of dollars. I read about it on talkptc. He will probably give you traffic but close down his site before your advertisement ends. Ill give you 1k hits for free at a site where I have a lot of cash but they dont payout to regular members (only upgraded)
Hi BHN, thanks for the heads up. I'm very interested in the traffic please give me the info. If it is good I can use more in future.

Yes well im just trying to help this person out. Regardless of how many posts i have do a google search on ggepay and let me know what you find.
$150? Was this all in traffic? If he has a refund policy and you didn't get what you paid for then ask for your money back. Since he is still on the forum perhaps you can pm him to fix your issues with him.

Good luck
Hey Blackhatnoob,
I am still waiting to hear from you on the traffic demo you offered me. Please send pm. I will take you up on your offer.

Try out some of the traffic providers in DP. Most are crap, but go with one with solid feedback. The traffic won't convert but it will show on analytics etc and you'll get it fairly cheap. :)
Thanks GH, good suggestion....now wh didn't I think of that? DP perfect place for junk traffic.

Thanks a bunch