I am going to buy this domain, Need your advice


Banned - Multiple Rules Violations
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Dear BHW people...

I am going to buy s e x 2 4 . com ...

What price do you find reasonable for it?

And also I search the domain on google and it is not Indexed ... , Is it banned from google?
domain is 9 yrs old and its parked

I searched some black listing websites, It wasnt banned there, Actually those website check IP address and the ip address was clean but how about the domain name itself ?

I check its history in archive.org I didnt find any thing fishy , The domain was parked in its entire life.

But here it says , the domain has banned from google

What do you plan to do with it? If it's been banned, move on, especially in that niche. Even if it has not been banned and you set up a site, you had better be an expert, and have a shitload of money to spend. That's the big leagues my friend. Either way, good luck!
If the domain name is banned you can request for it to be reconsidered, especially since it would be under new ownership.

As for the value personally I would offer about $150 for it, I wouldn't go much higher than $200. I hope you have a good marketing strategy since the adult niche can get expensive quick.
