HTTrack and Amazon


Regular Member
Oct 9, 2014
Reaction score
So I just wanted the opinion of you guys. What do you think of copying a website using HTTrack, uploading it to your domain, changing the affiliate links and then paying somebody to post your links all over the place?

I have a particular website it mind that I'm sure I can make a lot of money with. I was wondering if Amazon would have a problem with this? Are there any other problems that could arise using this method? Cheers.
You can instead post the affiliate links directly all over the place. That would mean one less hop.
I was under the impression that posting direct links wasn't allowed? Also the conversion of this particular niche might be higher if visited through a review site.
There are about 41 pages that were ripped. The sites picture header is of the website name. How do I go about replacing the img in all of the index files of these pages at once? I changed the picture in the main index.html file but it only affects the homepage